Toilet paper - wallsided or hanging loose?!


Toilet paper - wallsided or hanging loose?

Toilet paper 'rolls' can hang either with the paper nearer the wall or farther from the wall.

What is your preferred toilet paper hanging style and is their an etiquette on something like this?

I hate to say it this way but anyone who puts theirs wall sided and not over the top and to the outside is of no interest to me. If you were my best friend and I came to your house and found it under and to the wall - I will drop you as I then know that you are not worthy of consideration and the friendship would lead to disaster. The way you hang the paper says more about you psychologically that any other one thing.

Proven Fact

Outside hanging down.

Wall side!

Loose, Pointe finale!

I all ways thought that it should come off the top. Less likely for someones hand rub the wall........

Hanging loose, less likely to experience an uncontrolled spin.

Honey I really don't care how it's hung, over or under, I just want some there when I need it!!!!!!!!!!

U have too much time,don'tcha??????

well if you live in a guys dorm in collage you should get haning loose, i like wallsided

Away from the wall is what I was taught.

I am in Kentucky...What is this toilet paper?

What an interesting topic. My sister and I have argued forever about which direction to hang the tp!

I say it should be coming at you on top of the roll, and over the front. My sister says it should hang from the back and straight down.
My way just seems more convenient.

By the way, the best type of tp hanger for all of us who detest putting a new roll on the hanger thing - It is shaped like a U.

You just attach one side of the U to the wall and the other side is just open so all you do is slip the roll over it when it needs to be replaced. One of the best inventions I ever saw! Every now and then you can find them for $1.

What a life!

It seems to me that more Europeans turn the paper to face the wall; I prefer the paper facing out and like to do a nice little "fold" at the bottom/beginning like they do in many hotels!

Hanging out. and yes their is etiquette, Your upperclass Hotel/Motel will always fold in a corner of the roll, nice touch.

i live in indiana and we use corn cobs what is this paper you are talking about ,

It's got to hang from the outer side....i don't know why it just does! It's so stupid but it really bothers me if it is not.....but since I do 99% of the paper changing I don't have to worry about it being placed on wrong.

I like having it hang on the outside where you can reach it - but if this is all you have to worry about - you are very fortunate!

I prefer to hang ours away from the wall. It's easier to grasp and it leaves the next sheet hangin loose. Ettiquette? Maybe, I believe it's more sanitary.

Over the top. So it hangs down nearest to your hand. That's what I was taught in food safety. Otherwise germ-y hands are trying to fish around under the roll for the loose end of the paper.

Definatly hanging out!!!

I just love this question...........seems like "potty" stuff is big in my house............

Wall side provides some leverage for pulling a short piece.
Hanging loose over the top looks neater.

Farther from the wall - it looks better.

you have really messy mind,,its the third question of urs that im answering and i guess there is something wrong with u,,think of something better to ask ,, stop talking nonesence lol
i guess ur borred ,dont waste ur time like this , go and help someone with her/his problems then your main problem (which u know what it is) will be solved,, u dont believe me? just try dud ;)

Farther from the wall, is how my mother educated me to do it and prefer it now after 25 years.

defiantly wall side..less chance of someones stinky hand being on the rest of the paper when trying to grab more paper to wipe.


TP should ALWAYS be hung with the end coming over the top of the roll and hanging doan AWAY from the wall!
What's wrong with all you people who like it against the wall so everyone who needs to wipe has to touch the whole thing and spin the roll around and search for the end??! DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!

One of my husband's friends thinks it's funny to reverse the roll in my bathroom every time he goes at our house....I told him I'd kick him out and never let him back in if he keeps doing it!

wallsided it's more convient i use baby wipes in my bathroom anyway lol

Paper facing you rolling away from the wall, you can see where the seem is.

on the outside hanging down....on the inside you can't find the end when you need it !

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