If i invited you into my kitchen...what would you look for first?!


If i invited you into my kitchen...what would you look for first?

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7 months ago
...what would you do really, if i was to leave you there for a bit...to your own devices??

7 months ago
...what would you do really, if i was to leave you there for a bit...to your own devices??

i will look for MEXICAN FOOD!!!!!!!!! especialy for tamales yum!!


I'd look at you first.
Your standing on my foot.

what's cooking and how does it smell.

i would look to see if it was clean

beer in the fridge?

hidden liquor. See if you have a drinking problem.

Where to sit down.

To make sure it was clean, no bugs or critters. Safe food handling.etc.No allergens.

The way out.

The kettle and some coffee cups....oh and maybe a spoon.

your fridge. What you have in there, is it clean inside and evenly important on the outside! Nothing like dirty, dark handles and crusty shelves to put me off! Why, it shows me how much attention to detail you have, especially when it comes to an important thing like food and how you store it. That stuff is going into your body, and mine if I'm a guest!

well if ur my freind i will look for a food or a guy then surely a liquor
If ur a man i wlll like to see ur washbsin to judge ur standard and ur way of living (includes all) and if ur lady i will certainly look for ur spices and way of ccoooking to judge ur speciality in cooking

Well dear i would like see how you clean and organise your kitchen you know some people says that the kitchen will represent the women in the house.

The home made cookies !

I guess this proves I'm shallow, but I was going to examine your decorating techniques and hopefully learn something I could bring home to my own kitchen!

well i always judge someone by how they maintain their kitchen (and bathroom). so first of all i'd over look it so see if you're a clean and organized person or not. then i'd go straight to the fridge to get something to drink. i'd probably look through some of your cabinets to see what kind of style you have and look for some yummy food.

Cook books - get an idea of how adventurous a cook you are

Always check for cleanliness of a kitchen, if it's not, I don't eat or even drink water.

I wouldnt go in ur kitcen,i dont know u. =] Bt if i did,i would look at how clean it was.

I'd see if your sink sparkled, then I'd look at the ceiling of your microwave oven.

The good knives...seriously! It's hard to make a decent meal without good knives. I tried once at a friend's house and all she had to cut with was a steak knife.

Cleanliness and then the scheme and layout. I am a huge kitchen fan. Mine is my pride a joy.

I'd look to see if the dishes were done.
Look at the floor....notice if there's any dirt tracks.
Look at the wall colour...for inspiration for my own kitchen.

I'd see if you had extra virgin olive oil or a decent collection of spices. I'd probably also check out your knives and see how clean (or not) your stove is.

Id look at your sink...what would I do after that? Go to the fridge!

Cleanliness!!! I would look at things like your sponges on the sink, your floors and of course, countertops. The smell of the kitchen would also greatly influence how comfortable I would be with eating anything that would come out of it! If I was left to my own devices I would check out the fridge and see how clean it is. I would check expirations of things and check out the veggie drawer for nasty things!

A good frying pan and some extra virgin olive oil.. a little sea salt or Kosher salt.. after that I can cook just about anything that's left over in the kitchen.. Oh, and some fresh garlic!

I would look in the refrigerator first...I always does that at any friends or family member home. Than I would see how clean you keep it. I would check out how you decorated the place and then I would tell you what I think!


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