What is a good 1st birthday cake?!


What is a good 1st birthday cake?

My sons birthday in friday november 17th and i want to get a personal cake but what kind should i get him?

Chocolate cake makes for much cuter pictures!!! Picture it on his face!!! ;o)
(Happy Birthday to him)

Here's what I did with my three on their first.

1. Select a flavor that your child likes. This could be through trial and error. Make sure you 'test run' the icing as well so he will like both cake and icing.
2. Make two cakes, one small.. about the size of a saucer and one regular size.

On the big day....
3. Put a plastic shower curtain down on the floor below his high chair. Give him his cake with a candle and help him blow it out.
4. Let him 'go to town' on his personal cake, while the rest of the family enjoys the other.
5. Have your video and still camera ready as the photos will be priceless.

I'm a firm believer in letting a child 'destroy' and devour their 1st birthday day with all the fever only a 1 year old can muster.

Good luck and I hope this helps!

Popular cakes right now for babies are Dora, Wiggles, Blues Clues, Sesame Street, or Thomas the Tank.

Happy Early Birthday to your little one!!

Nice ideas from wrkey. I made my son a banana cake and decorated the top with icing made to look like one of the bears on a shirt he was wearing those days.

How about a yummy ice cream cake?

Cup Cakes!

I did this at my son's 3rd birthday party I swear it was so much easier than a big cake. I didn't have to cut a cake (no knife around 3 years old) and I put the ice cream in plastic cups. Clean up was a snap.

As far as Flavors.....Chocolate is a winner in my books. Nutritionally speaking Carrot Cake maybe? Nah...Chocolate.

The first guy had a great idea too.

Cupcakes...messy enough for fun, but not tooo messy. Happy Birthday Baby!!!

Just a little round one that he can put his hands into and smear all over his face!! They make the best pictures.

Anything he's not allergic to!
Something that matches the carpet.

Dora,or Winnie the Pooh,Blues Clues

pound cake

A friend of mine made a teddy bear cake. A big round choccy cake was his head and 2 smaller ones for his ears, marshmallows with smarties stuck on for the eyes and red licorice lips with a choccy bikky for it's nose.

They took one of the ears of for their little boy to have all by himself and everyone else got a slice of the big cake.

Something that looks good for pictures but inexpensive. It is a huge waste of $$$ that one yr. olds are going to slop around and not remember except for the pictures they get shown, when the are older....MARY

We did a plate piled high w/ Brownie bites for our daughter. She took one in each hand and we passed the rest around.

FYI...as her Bday is in August...the party was outside and in evening...rather than traditional Bday candles...we used sparklers and sang and walked across the room towards her....the pix are wonderful :)

Enjoy and congrats on 'surviving' your first year!

Something easy to clean up, 'cause the little bugger is gonna make a mess

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