Does anyone have ideas for a unique baby shower?!


Does anyone have ideas for a unique baby shower?

u can buy these really really, small plastic baby dolls, and put them in your water ice cube trays, and then the little plastic baby gets frozen into the ice cube. when your ice cube breaks and the baby breaks free. have your guest shout "my water broke" first person or however many people wins a prize. also, you could label different baby food tops like "a", "B" and so on, and take off the labels, and haev your guests guess the baby food, and then they get a prize for people who get the most right. always the classic how many peices of toilet paper fit around the carriers stomach game, winner wins prize. there are a couple games ideas.

We give everyone a nametag with a different name like "diaper pin", 'baby blanket', "nookie", "high chair", etc. Then when a person calls the one with the new name by their real name, they have to put some money, nickle, penny, dollar, whatever, into a piggie bank for the baby. It is a lot of fun and most people have spare change. It doesn't have to be a large amount of money. It is just for fun.

I'm not sure what kind of audience you are hosting for. But some cute ideas are to have a blue colored punch and put rubber ducks floating in it, string a clothes line and when the mom-to-be opens the presents hang all of the new clothes on the line for everyone to see and play games like match the mother animal with the baby animal.
For a more humorous game, pick a bunch of different candy bars and melt/crush them in diapers and have your guests guess what kind of "poop" is in the diaper.
You can also make a cute center piece out of rolled up diapers and arrange them into a cake (just search for diaper cake in yahoo and you'll get plenty of ideas for that).

Well if you have a certain culture in the family try making it look like the home land of the culture but if you don't have any certain cultures then try some cool decorations or have it at an interesting place like...a restaurant or a amusement park or something like that!

the last one I went to we played the baby animal game as metioned above.
Also, when we first got there , everyone got a necklace with a little rocking horse (any boby shower party favor can be used) for 1 hour into the party, no one could say the word "baby" if oyu caught someone saying baby, you got to take their necklace(s) It was fun to see who could go without saying it and who used what methods to trick others into saying it- at the end, whoever had the most necklaces got a prize. Another common game is to fill a baby bottle with jelly beans or some other kind of candy and everyone has to guess how many are in the bottle.

Do an under water theme. With teal, blue, green and white balloons and ribbons. The plates could have whales, dolphins, starfish or tropical fish. Ect......

Many web sites contain "Baby Shower Games/Themes"

Give the guests a roll of toilet paper and have them take and guess how much it will take to wrap around her belly!

Here is a keepsake for mommy and daddy.
Print out baby foot prints in various colors. Cut out the shape or cut the paper square. As each guest arrives hand them a foot print and have them write advise or best wishes on the foot print. Put the prints into a small photo album. To fill pages you can print out baby related poems and stuff.
Another classic game is word scramble. Scramble baby related words and give the guests 2 minutes to unscramble as many words as they can.
Also, we did this for my cousins shower. We had her carry a tray with baby items on it. She gave each guest a few seconds to try to memorize what was on the tray.She then left the room. Then we asked the guests" ready? what was she wearing?" Everyone was focusing on the try and not her. It was funny, everyone had a laugh. The only person who got it right was our grand-mother!!
Good luck with your planning!

for a boy do something like rock n roll, girl hey you can do the same but in pink .....ect list can go on !! have fun w/it .

serve drinks in baby bottles and food baby dishes with baby sliverware then play a game where u give the people the frist latter of the babys name and they have geuss it even if it's names ur thinking of oh and give every one bibs to eat there food good luck

A totally different idea is have a baby shower and invite the men (husbands/boyfriends) as well. I did this a few years ago and it was a blast... men are so funny, but good sports. It's a lot of fun since most of the games center around the couples that attend. You can have a game to see who can "change" a diaper blindfolded (the men are the babies, women play the "mom"); you can have a contest to see which guy can drink the liquid from a baby bottle the fastest. You can use the games suggested by repsonses, but change it up so the men are included. It's a lot of laughs.

There are tons of great websites out there with free game and theme ideas. When I threw a baby shower for my sister I used www.creative-baby-shower-ideas... They have tons of games and theme ideas. They also have instructions on crafts if you are crafty.

Good Luck!

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