I am having 10 people for a xmas meal?!


I am having 10 people for a xmas meal?

i am doing traditional xmas dinner but want idaes for an easy starter and pudding preferably cold that will compliment

That should be filling.

Easy - prawn cocktail to start or orange juice and a cheesecake to end - did it last year for 22 people - no probs

Yorkshire pudding to start, with just gravy and mint sauce.

a salmon salad starter
fruit salad pud, with or without cream

Soup is always a good, easy starter. If hob/microwave space is an issue, try a cold soup.

Pud should be easy - Xmas pud, or mince pie with alcoholic custard.

Well if it t'was me i would suggest you start oss with an old favourite of mine. what you do is get the brine you get out of hot dogs and pour it onto the other 9 faces of your commrades, you then spoon it off and you can take it from there. i will thank you when i get best answer, by the way i hope your "friends" oblige to this, because it is a very nice starter, or you could go 4 a turkey,.

starter go for somthing basic, a soup something warm and nice or go for a cold starter prawn cocktails or summet, my mum makes some larger yorkshire puds and we have that as our starter with some onion gravy really nice, good way to make the gravy is add onion but also half of clove of crushed or chopped garlic really yummy. good luck with your xmas day meal !!!

Pate with cumberland sauce and toast... Abso-feckin'-lutely delicious!!

You can get an 'iced-cream' xmas pud, they're pretty damn marvellous too, as are Stollen puddings (they do them at Asda)..

I'm hungry now.....

This is my first Christmas to cook so I am a bit daunted by the whole thing. For starters I am going to make homemade veg soup the day before and just heat it up. I am also going to do smoked salmon on brown bread. That is as far as I have got. It will be the usual Turkey and Ham dinner and my mother in law is bringing desert. Desert shouldn't be too heavy becuase the dinner itself is big. Its nice to have it about an hour after the main course and relax.

Has to be prawn cocktail to start and trifle for pud.

Prawn cocktail starter, melon boat or pate with crackers & a little side-salad

For pudding.. Choclate cake with cream or ice-cream, trifle or cheese & biscuits.

All the best & enjoy Christmas

for pud -- defrost the black-forest gateau and lemon meringue and have some mince pies for those who want a lite pud.
hope it goes well + have fun its ur xmas tooooo!!!

last year (and it went down a storm by the way) we decided to have our starter a little bit earlier than just before the main meal as we always find that we are so full otherwise! we had stuffed mushrooms made with riccotta cheese, parmesan and garlic basted in olive oil and baked in the oven. (there are lots of fa recipes for this on the net. dessert we have profiteroles with cream - you can buy them from the supermarket and drizzle the hot chocolate sauce over and the cold cream mmmm.... lovely!

You will find some excellent recipes here:



i'm doing garlic king prawns with crusty white bread to mop up the sauce (usally 4 large prawns pilled on top of each other will do) or you could do fresh prawns with seafood sauce & white bread - then i'm also doing pate (store bought) & toast for the non-seafood lovers - the garlic prawns all get thrown into a wok for a few minutes with loads of garlic butter (we like to peel them ourselves at the dinner table).
then for afters we are having porfitarolls with chocolate sauce all preparde the day before & the sauce bunged in the microwave when ready to serve - yum yum !!
another tip: did you know you can cut a parboil your spuds then freeze them upto 1 mnth before christmas - cook them from froozen for 1hr with the rest of christmas dinner !!!

Wow, you have some appetite! are there any chlidren for the starters?

Just do a simple vegetable soup for starter. A bag of seasonal veg a stock cube water, cook blend down add a glug of milk and season to taste. For pudding Christmas pud is easy to keep warm on stove/steamer. If you want something cold try Bannoffe Pie. Easy to make. Take a tin (maybe two) of condensed milk boil it unopened in a pan of water for two hours (do not let it boil dry) while this is doing bake a sweet pastry pie case (big enough for you all, or even buy them pre made) Let your tins cool down till cold then slice bananas and place them in the pastry case poor over the cold condensed milk (boiled in tin) then whip some cream and poor oven the top, sprinkle with chocolate shavings. Good luck and enjoy.

Dont woory about the tins they will not explode but leave them to cool before opening them.

Maybe some melon with tropical fruit sauce. It is quite refreshing and simple to make as well. And have something chocolatey for dessert too.

Smoked salmon is a traditional starter. Serve with blinis or pieces of brown bread, black pepper & a slice of lemon.

For dessert, if you buy a shop Christmas pud you only have to stick it in the microwave. Four mins, clotted cream, yum. I'd be disappointed if I didn't get Christmas pudding.

Or you could make a bombe-type effort: scoop rum & raisin ice cream into a bowl. (Make sure there are no air pockets.) Freeze solid. Dip the bowl in hot water & tip out, then cover with an inch of vanilla icecream, smooth down & decorate with nuts & chopped cherries. Put on a freezer-proof plate or chopping board, cover, & shove back in the freezer.

Anyway, remember it doesn't have to be perfect, just so long as everyone enjoys themselves. That means you too!

Well you know you could always do a little buffet to start and put out some puddings, cheese spread,fruit,and a little wine or what not this is how we always started are large family dinners around the holiday that way people can socialize with others and I could finish cooking the big dinner, it also helps other people get to know one another. Hope you have a great dinner and that this helped.

Also you can go to some of the Food net work sites or BHG.com they have alot of good ideas!!

Salmon Mousse would be a good start. And you can make it aahead.

Salmon Mousse

4 1/2 tbl Flour
4 1/2 tbl Powdered sugar
3 tsp Dijon style mustard
3 tsp Salt
Few grains cayenne
6 x Eggs
2 1/4 cup Milk
3/4 cup Tarragon vinegar
4 1/2 tbl Melted butter
3 x Plain gelatin, envelope
3/8 cup Water, cold
4 1/2 cup Salmon, flaked
1 1/2 cup Cream, whipped

Mix flour, sugar, mustard, salt and cayenne in top of double boiler. Add eggs and whisk until smooth. Add milk. Stir in vinegar, slowly (or it will curdle); mix well. Cook over hot water until thickened, stirring constantly. Add butter. Soften gelatin in cold water; add to hot mixture.
Stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. Add salmon. Chill, stirring occasionally. When slightly thickened, fold in whipped cream. Turn into a 2 quart fish shaped mold rinsed with cold water. Unmold on lettuce.
Decorate with slices of pimento, olive, and thin slices of radish set in appropriate places for eyes and scales.

This pudding is great and also make ahead.

Alabaster Pudding

4 sht gelatine or 4-5tsp gelatine, (4 to 5) granules
900 ml Double cream
300 ml Single cream or full cream milk
1 dsp caster sugar, (optional) (1 to 2) garnish

Soften the gelatine in a little water and then drain it. Heat the cream (and milk if you're using it) to blood heat and then add the sugar and drained gelatine. Stir until both have dissolved and allow to cool.
Before the mixture begins to set, pour it into a wet pudding basin.
Refrigerate overnight. Loosen the jelly by holding a hot cloth to the mould and carefully easing it out on to a shallow dish.
Decorate with mandarin segments macerated in orange juice, ruby red pomegranate seeds and angelica cut into appropriately decorative shapes

I generally do melon. You can have melon boats, melon balls or a fan of melon with a fruit coulis. Simple and quick to prepare and not filling so there's plenty of room for the turkey!

cans of stella to start, then cans of stella for pudds!!!!

melon balls in port or just melon and try Delia's lemon ricotta cheesecake for desert. It's tangy and refreshing. I've made it alot, but I don't bother with the lemon topping she suggests (too much bother)

HI Lollipops
Soup is always an easy option for a starter but! do you want soup!
Wot sort of budget do you haveI wonder? Do you like fish?
Scallops are good (can be expensive).but need to be cooked as served really.
Smoked Salmon & Prawns?
I wish you luck & a Very Merry Xmas
Shame you dont accept email I love to cook!

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