Ideas for party food for 4 year olds birthday party?!


Ideas for party food for 4 year olds birthday party?

sandwhiches cut into shapes (circles,stars,diamond etc) bite size pieces of cheese, small sausages, individual pasta cups, fruit bites, carrot strips and of course cake or cup cakes

cookies and pizza and drink like apple juice and little juice box, chips

jelly and ice cream
party rings
sausage rolls
little sausages
mAsHeD pOtAtOeS

maybe something simple not over the top i mean will they really remeber?

Hot dogs wrapped in Crescent dough and baked to cook crescent roll. Cook Hot dog first.

Chips / Cookies 3 variety's arranged on a party tray.

Apple slices arranged on a party tray.

mini sausages, crisps, cake, sweets, or am i just naming things that will send them hyper?

Children can be fussy at that age and also you don't want to make them sick! I suggest lots of 'bite size' stuff, and don't make it all sweet or junk. A plate of cubes of cheese and seedless grapes is good. Tiny sandwiches: egg, ham, marmite, peanut butter. Don't make masses of food - they only waste it. Work it out - couple of sandwiches each, couple of little sausages, one little cake, one biscuit. Iced Gems are nice biscuits to get.

hot dogs pizza nachos sandwiches ch ex party mix

Here are a few ideas;
chicken dippers (don't foget the ketchup)
potato smilies or chips
mini pizzas for kids
hummous and pitta bread cut in to strips
dairy lee and cheese biscuits
additive free low sugar orange squash, blackcurrant and mineral water. Forget the fizzy stuff.
soft crisps such as quavers and wotsits, mini cheddars.
coctail sausages
seedless grapes
cadburys chocolate fingers
jaffa cakes
small iced cakes or muffins
other things they like are hotdogs- keep rolls soft and sausages quite small and plain. Don't serve too hot.
A birthday sponge cake or cream sponge decorated with a theme.
swiss roll cut in to slices.
petit yoghurts

Use pastry cutters to make the sandwiches nice shapes. I think its the usual for everything else. All the unhealthy stuff like mini pizzas, crisps and buns. Its only for one day though so why not let your son choose a few things at the shops and maybe make the buns with you!

Cut oranges in half, scoop out flesh and put jelly inside...looks and tastes great

the king of party foods are jelly and ice cream (mum of 6)

Birthday Cake
Ice Cream Cups( In you freezer isle at the grocery)
Cheetos(soft, easy chip like food to eat)
Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwiches ( cut small)
Macaroni Salad
Cheese and Ham Sandwiches
Macaroni and cheese(home made is the best)
Have a bowl of fruit available with bananas,apples and oranges
Juice -maybe two different kinds

PB & J's, Candy Apples, Cake,

I banana sliced lenghtways, lay chocolate buttons along it and put back together wrapped in kitchen foil, bake in oven for 5 minutes and serve.


No nuts in any of the food its not worth the risk!
But most bite size favourites, and lots of fruit chunks to balance out the cakes, most kids love cheese sticks, celery, cucumber and dips now and this helps so they don't go to hyper on all the E numbers in all the biscuits.
Homemade pizza fingers go down a treat and you could even base the party on the kids helping to make and design their own pizzas, good luck and have fun

cheese paste sandwiches
caramel popcorn

As nearly all kids like jelly , I used to make these for my son but girls like them just the same . One large orange ( does 4 kids) halved no holes lol !!, make some jelly and pour into the orange skin , when set cut into half again and thread a small sail like piece of rice paper( as kids eat owt ) onto a cut off straw or cocktail stick if you'll be ON GUARD !! and stick in the jelly quarters voila !! a sailing boat desert for munchkins

get watever they want for their birthday and get thid one thing they really want but don;t tell them you got it ang get him/or her some clothesand shoes and snow bootsGOOD LUCK

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