Any suggestions for an inexpensive 50th Birthday Party?!


Any suggestions for an inexpensive 50th Birthday Party?

My husband is turning 50. I want to do something BIG , but inexpensive for him. He loves fishing , old cars and playing pool. Give me some great ideas for a fun celebration PLEASE!!!!!

Hey Moose---------a really sweet and fun thing to do is get as many of his fishing, hunting, old car, playing pool and "you" pictures and put them or have them put on a memory DVD with some of his favorite songs playing in the back ground. Its always been a winner every time I've made one for someone. You can also have a little get together of some of your favorite friends in the back yard or in the basement of your home. Serve hor'orderves and drinks (no need for a full dinner---just add a cake) while the DVD is playing and just have a fun time reliving old memories and making new ones. Its a blast.

Crash a wedding reception. Free food and drink. Music too! He'll have a ball. Just be careful and don't start singing Happy will give away your dirty little secret.....

put fish and an old car in a swimming pool and show it to him. He should love it.

A nice big banner that says "50 isn't old... if you're a tree"

Have the party at a pool room. Serve sushi, what he doesn't eat he can use for bait.

Announce that instead of presents, guests should bring food and drink.

Let the decorations reflect his hobbies. You could end the party by visiting a pool hall.

When my mom turned fifty, we have a fifties-themed party cuz she grew up in the late fifties....for my aunt, when she turned 50, we had a sixties themed party cuz she grew up in the sixties...both were extremely fun, everyone dressed up according to the decade and there were cool decorations and music according to the times too....very fun and doesnt have to cost a lot either...

Fifty cans of beer. A gift certificate for $50 dollars to a parts store

Get him something he will love but would never buy for himself. Perhaps a good cologne or some special slippers.

My husband really loves those Columbia Bonehead fishing shirts: the ones with all the pockets and thing to hang stuff off of. We gave his Brother in France one and he loves it. You can get him a gift certificate to Academy

Have a pool party at a pool hall. It shouldn't cost much.
You could rent a houseboat if you live near a lake for a fishing derby.
Decorate your home with funny stuff, keep it light, remember that for men 50 is bad news, for women, 30 was the worst. Make him laugh, take him and his friends to the movie theater to see cars. That is what his parents would have done when he was a little boy!

does he have a favorite place to play pool?ask if you could host a party there...or look into an old car show(held at flea markets and off the wall places)if you do it at the place he plays pool offer to supply food (or if they serve it, ask if you can pay pay at a reduced rate,because you are bring people in)copy pictures of his favorite old cars and frame have freinds yuck but have everyone write down their best "big fish story" get gag pictures of big fish and have everyone pick the one they caught and the story behind a hall or in your house...please tell me how it went..and good luck

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