How to deal with a child who refuses to eat vegetables?!


How to deal with a child who refuses to eat vegetables?

1- Cook and serve the vegetables you would eat, and eat your vegetables, perhaps this will be the example the child needs.
2- Try cooking/serving some fresh vegetables, such as sweet potatoes or yams with tiny amount of brown sugar and butter on them. They will love those and the benefits far outweigh that sugar.
3- Fresh vegetables are much tastier than other ones. However, I don't mind frozen peas, get the small ones, and cream them with a simple white sauce, it will be like a treasure hunt to find the peas, put a few chopped carrots in there and they will find it pleasing.
4- My son always loved spinach, whether it was Popeye that started him on it or what, don't know, but he ate it straight out of the can, my friend fed him a whole can once when he was 4 and she was watching him, she just could not believe he kept eating it!
5- Try making some asparagus and letting them dip it in mayonaise, kids love to dip!
6- If your child won't eat meat and only veges, then feed them some tofu.
7- Children survive after all, and their bodies know what they need for nutrition.
8- I always allowed my son to eat ANY fruit or ANY vegetable ANY time of the day, no other snacks allowed! Even right before dinner! I figured it was probably better nutrition than what we were having for dinner anyways and it kept him happy thinking he was doing something different! It is amazing how hungry the kids can be for a good healthy dinner including vegetables if they haven't eaten a bunch of junk all day long....


MAKE faces with the vegetables animals work too

Vitamins works well to supplement veg.intake if they hate them at least they will still get what they need in the end

You could have the reverse problem. I have a child who will only eat vegetables and can't get him to eat meat except chicken nuggets from McDonalds. I've giving up trying. I am concerned about his protein.

put him in the stocks and throw carrots at him some of it is bound to go down his screaming throat

Do not force them to eat vegetables cooked in usual way... try other veg dishes... they like 'lady's fingers' cooked dry... try it

How old is the child, sometimes it just takes a little while to get the accuired taste.
You may add a little bit of sugar to the top and see if this works.

make delicious dishes with vegetables
for example vegetable salad mixing with peppe ,put maximum vegetables in noodles,fried rice also mate like that

I have one of those! It really isnt worth a fight..just offer a veggie at every meal..or I also hide veggies when I can..mashed carrots in spaghetti sauce etc. V8 splash juice is wonderful..and of course a daily vitamin...dont stress..I have tried pediatrician said to just make sure he got a daily vitamin and to relax.

Use fruit instead or make veggies fun. My daughter likes to dip her veggies in something like cheese or ketchup.

put a slap on his/her face if u cant do this they will slap u when they get adult and u couldn't do anything that time.

Vegetables can be enticing to a child - it all depends on how you cook it and serve it. Include several things along the way that might entice the child to eat - marinated chicken, sour cream, flavoury sauces, vegetarian burgers, Asian foods, etc.

Do like my parents did with me- blend them into random food lke mashed potato. Evil, I know- but it soo works.

Just like one prepares aaloo ka paratha you can experiment with lots of vegetable stuffing instead of aloo. Like methi ka paratha, mooli ka paratha and what ever vegetable you have. The most important thing apart from this is to take meals together. When the child sees you eating certain vegetables they gradually develop eating habits.

Give them fruit.

Try Juice Plus ! they have chew-ables and gummies. They are not a supplement...they are actual veggies in a chewable kids like the gummies better. They have them because I have a hard time getting my kids to eat all of the vegetables for the recommended intake. They also make the fruit chewables and gummies as well good luck:)

make a food using vegetables but using delicious recipes of it... and also attractive......

I always made it fun for my children. Toothpicks in the veggies always helped and dipping sauces. Ranch dressing or cheese seemed to do the trick. Never force them, that will only make them not like it even if they do. Let them help you prepare it, it is tastier if they helped cook it. Good luck.

i put star sprinkles on them and call them magic it sounds gross but kids love it or ask how they would like them cooked or if cooked at all kids are more willing to try if they have some sort of choice in the matter

make a fruit smoothie and put some carrots and stuff in it when they are not looking

Grated veggies like zucchini or carrot in Bolognaise Sauce (old trick of my mothers!)

Cheese sauce or melted cheese on top of veggies.

Cut up into "sticks"

Take the kids fruit and veg shopping with you and let them pick out what they want.

Try growing your own, my sis-in-law tried this with my nephews. They grew tomatoes and beans from seeds and couldnt wait for them to be big enough to eat, because they were something that they grew themselves.

Sneak them in. I used to do it all the time to my sons when they were little. They eventually started to eat some veggies knowingly. LOL

Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the book, but found one at the library when my children were small that included baking muffins with some minced veggies in them to help "hide" them and get more veggies in them--think zucchini bread sortof a thing.

Good luck!

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