What Is A Good Party Games For 10 People?!


What Is A Good Party Games For 10 People?

We were hoping for a game that would be good for:

A group of people ranging from ages 15-50. Two 15. Four 21-26. Four 45-50.

Not a lot of movement. Charades is not an option, because on person had recent surgery and cannot move well.

We play after thanksgiving dinner. (Does not have to be seasonal.)

Thanks So Much!

Additional Details

7 months ago
A group of people ranging from ages 15-50. Two 15. Four 21-26. Four 45-50.

Not a lot of movement. Charades is not an option, because a person had recent surgery, and cannot move well.

We play after thanksgiving dinner. (Does not have to be seasonal.)

Thanks So Much!

7 months ago
Excuse the twice posted details. Also something that won't cost a lot of money, like buying a game!

7 months ago
A group of people ranging from ages 15-50. Two 15. Four 21-26. Four 45-50.

Not a lot of movement. Charades is not an option, because a person had recent surgery, and cannot move well.

We play after thanksgiving dinner. (Does not have to be seasonal.)

Thanks So Much!

7 months ago
Excuse the twice posted details. Also something that won't cost a lot of money, like buying a game!

I love the game "Balderdash." And with ten people, it's a blast!

pictureary that is fun for all ages

card games, monopoly (will keep u occupied for hrs), scattagories

My personal favorite is Catchphrase. Gestures would be fun, too.

My friends and I made up a game long ago.. What you do is give everyone a piece of paper.. have everyone write a guestion on it fold it and put it in the box then everyone draws one out.. you answer it and put it back in and keep going a minimum of 5 times. then for the last round.. each person reads the question and has to try to guess who put what answers.. and who wrote the question.. It may sound weird but we have a blast with it..

pictionary.. thats always great... u can go to toys r us and also get movie trivia games... mad libs... there are a ton...

Cranium is an AWESOME game!

Party Pictionary with huge dry erase boards, Penny Poker, Catch Phrase

I like pictionary. For a large group it can be fun to use a big white board or big easel size paper. I always like boys against the girls for some all-in-good-fun trash talkin'.

The game "Are You a Werewolf?" is really fun. You can look the rules up on the internet and all it takes to play it a deck of ordinary cards.

Alex, I think Pictionary would be perfect! Why don't you see if one of your sisters has it!

At my grandma's we would play a board game called "Sorry", it was great fun but only 4 could play. We'd usually have a few table areas set up for games, at one table cards would be played all afternoon, at another table we played scrabble. Not all of us (there were 18 in our immediate family before the grandkids and great grandkids started to arrive) would play games, the men generally meandered to the livingroom to watch sports.

scene it

Here is a game we sometimes play during dessert when we are still all sitting around the table. I do not know the name of it. We name an actor or an actress and then we go around the table and each person takes a turn by naming a movie that they were in. If you get stuck, you are out and the last person left wins. Its actually harder than it sounds and its fun when some one thinks of one you just could not remember. If you can think of a bunch of movies for that actor, the strategy then is to first name the ones you think most people will think of first and save the obscure ones for later. Try it with actors like Jack Nicholson, Gene Hackman or Tom Hanks, ones who have made tons of movies but some are hard to remember. Have fun!

I LOVE the game Cranium!!! (the original edition, not the family fun edition)

It is like a mix of pictionary, trivia, sharades, and stuff. My fiance and I played it with a couple about a week or so ago. We stayed up until 3am playing! We just kept going and going because it was sooo much fun.

I would recommend it for everyone. You do need at least 4 ppl to play, but since youre having a party, thats not a problem.

You can buy it at wal-mart for like $20.

Trivial Pursuit, Scene It, Monopoly- Someone will have a copy have them bring it.
Dictionary Trivia (Chicanery) = Using dictionary's divide into teams to equal number of dictionary's (2 or 3) then each team chooses 10 words at random and makes up 2 definitions and uses 1 of the real ones- you can write them on a notepad or index cards- after each team has 10 you come back and vote on each others definitions - do not use dictionary's that's cheating- the team with the most stumped wins.
Build a Story: This works best if you have a video camera - the first person starts the story and each person adds to it (you can do this mad lib style too where each person has no idea what the preceding said) continue until each person has added to the story then pop it on the TV and watch it. Have Fun!

Buy a deck of cards and play some poker.


My family plays a game every Christmas Eve called "Left, Right, Center." It is a gambling type game, but very fun. You can get the game at Spencer's (if you have one.) There is no movement involved, you can sit at a long table.

It is a three dice game, everyone needs only three dollars. The dice have L's, R's, C's, and solid red dots on them. You roll the dice and depending on what you roll is how you pass your money. The L's mean you pass money to the left, R means you pass to the right, C means you put money it the "pot" in the Center. The red dots mean keep your money. Example: If you roll two R's and one C, you pass two dollars to the right and put one in the center "pot." Or one L and two dots, you pass one dollar to the left and keep two dollars.

After the first round, depending on how much money you have, you can only roll that many dice; one dollar -only one die, two dollars -two dice, three and up dollars - three dice.

No body is ever out of the game until only one person has money in their hand. Whoever is the last one, gets the pot! With ten people, that is $30. Not bad for only playing with $3!

I know it seems kinda confusing, but it is really fun once you get going!

On small slips of paper everyone writes and equal number of "what" questions: like, "what is your favourite toy?", then they write "what" answers on separate slips of paper. The answers do not have to match the questions. All the questions are put into one basket, and the answers into another. Mix them around. Each person takes a turn picking a question, another person picks an answer, then they read them aloud. We pee ourselves laughing!

Taboo is a really fun game. You could do two groups of five. It gets pretty funny and we play everything Thanksgiving with people ranging from 13 to 92!

If they all know each other, you pair them up.Then you have them write down on a piece of paper, How long they have known each other.I had everyone stand back to back and the ones that matched answers exactly got a price(mine was sweetheart candies)Do it at the same time, so they'll try to be exact.are really have a time do a short story that everyone have to add to when it comes their turn---Once upon a time .....(that can go on with a large group.

we love the game scene it or any type of trivia games

I really like the game of snaps. You can yahoo the directons.


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