How can I plan a small social gathering at my home to make new friends?!


How can I plan a small social gathering at my home to make new friends?

I'm pretty much a homebody, but would like to improve my social life and make new friends. What type of gathering can I give at my home for five women or less? I've thought about a tea party, but I'm not sure that would be best for people who don't know each other very well, since tea parties are usually more intimate for close friends. So I'm looking for something that would be fun, and would allow everyone to become more familiar with each other. The guests will be associates I see regularly in other settings such as church, gym, neighbors, ect. Hopefully I'll click well with one or two of the ladies. Thanks

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7 months ago
Also, this is will be a new experience for me, so I'm worried about etiquette when entertaining. I rarely have new people over as company. So, would it be rude to limit those I invite to just the living room or dining area? I'm also funny about people going in my refrigerator without permission. Do all of you allow company to walk freely in your kitchen to help themselves? I guess this is why I don't have much company, but I'm willing to compromise within reason to meet others.

7 months ago
Also, this is will be a new experience for me, so I'm worried about etiquette when entertaining. I rarely have new people over as company. So, would it be rude to limit those I invite to just the living room or dining area? I'm also funny about people going in my refrigerator without permission. Do all of you allow company to walk freely in your kitchen to help themselves? I guess this is why I don't have much company, but I'm willing to compromise within reason to meet others.

Dinner party?

Women's Bible Study.
Reading Group on books the group selects.
Craft club (quilting, baking for church fund raiser, knitting, etc..).
Church committee (for some community service project).

Have a dessert party.Serve several different type of desserts with coffee and tea.

Have a christmas party and send out invitations to people that you know and say bring a guest, just have buffet style keep it causual.

A favorite of my mom to meet new people and to socialize with her friends is a game called Bunko. It's a game where several players come around and you switch tables to play with new players and you get to interact with all the people involved also it's excellent because if you can't think of anything to say you can always chit chat about the game.
If you're not sure you want to do that I would suggest just having a dinner party or a BBQ.
Good luck.

wine tasting party: have everyone bring a bottle of wine (put a $10 limit on it if you want) and when they get there, put the wine in a brown paper bag (lunch size) with a number. Everyone tastes each wine without knowing what it is and later the labels are revealed. Just a way to get some conversation started. You provide cheese and snacks to go with the wine.


Is there a TV show that everyone watches? You could have a "Grey's Anatomy" (or whatever show) viewing party and have dinner before. (if you end up chatting through the show, it's ok, but if it's getting quiet or uncomfortable, at least there's something to do).

How about asking each of the women you invite to bring a friend? That way it's clearly about meeting new people and you'll be introduced to some new people as well.

I've found that, in general, people are pretty polite when it comes to rooms of the home that are available. Just close doors to bedrooms, etc. and make it clear where the restroom is. And if you have all the necessities out (drinks, ice, etc.) no one will have a reason to go into the fridge.

Have a card party (or any other game)! This way you will have to directly interact therefore all getting to know one another, and at the same time you're doing something that's fun with a relaxed environment. Plus being on a team will build comradery with certain people :D

Add music, hors d'oeuvres and even alcohol for a great alternative to going out!

Oh yeah...I think if the people aren't really good friends they'll have enough sense not to just roam around your house and especially not help themselves to the fridge so you shouldn't worry about that.

This is a perfect time of year for a fancy cookie swap. Invite everyone to bring a couple dozen fancy home-made cookies to donate to a "cookie pool". Then everyone gets maybe 6 of each kind besides the ones they brought (depending on how many people show up) to make up a nice assortment tray for gifts or entertaining. You can serve coffee or maybe wine, provide plastic wrap and pretty paper plates to arrange the cookies on. Ask everyone to bring copies of their recipe, too. Make sure you have some sort of snacks so people don't eat all their cookies right away!

OR, a gift-wrapping party can be fun. Everyone brings their presents and some wrapping paper. You can swap wrapping paper so your presents don't all look the same.

These two themes work best for small groups such as you are considering, and offer an opportunity for lots of conversation. Keep the music low-key so you can talk. You sound like a nice person to know, and I'm sure you will find some new friends!

If you don't really want people to go into your fridge try to have things set out beforehand. If they do go into the fridge, oh well, not really a big deal, the swoon will pass. If the people already know one another that is not so difficult , conversation will just start to flow. If not just introduce them and try to engage the conversation. Make your home comfort Put on music and nice candles. Serve tea if you like, most women like tea, or serve wine or some nice fancy drink. Good luck and have fun

The refrigerator thing will be settled by you, just don't tell anyone to make themselves at home, and you retrieve all of the treats and drinks....First offer both nonalcoholic and alcoholic drinks but stick to wine....then make some simple treats (see Jada Delarintis) on the internet. Pick out an actor or actress and rent a couple of their movies,,,, pop some corn, and have discussions about the movies, the actor, how they have changed, etc....simple, down to earth, and cheap......

Hosting a Book Club is a great way to meet friends and it lends nicely to the dialog needed to

1. Keep people busy (and out of your fridge).
2. Introduce and facilitate conversation between people who don't really know each other

Just find a really good book, get some tea and muffins and ask your friend's to bring one of their friends.

Ghastly!! Christmas Parties, hurl........excuse me!

For your very first party, try not to do too much. Go for the buffet. Tea sandwiches can be made ahead. Cheese on toothpicks with cucumber or cherry tomatoes. But keep it simple. Nearer to the time you may feel a little frazzled if you have too many dishes or get too fancy. Let the decorations do the talking and have refreshments out. Serve the first one, and let people get following drinks for themselves so that you have time to mingle and interact with the people you've invited. Make a mental note of things each person may have in common with others they may not know.

Good luck!!

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