Christmas party seating arrangement dilemma?!


Christmas party seating arrangement dilemma?

We are having the Christmas dinner at our new house. There are three possible men to be at the head of the table. One, my boyfriend, the 'man of the house', two, my father, a very important person in my life, three, our guest, my 'sister's' (read: foriegne exchange student who is like my sister) father, who doesn't speak much English, but is the guest. So, you see my dilemma, three men, and only two heads of the table. What is your suggestion?

Hiya, I think your dad should sit there as he will always support you in your life and he loves you more than all the men. Sure you might be madly in love with your boyfriend but he could leaev your life in a matter of seconds. Dad stay around 'till the end!
Plus Dont worry......ITS CHRISTMAS.

This seems like a no-brainer to one end you seat your father and at the other you seat your sister's father. Your boyfriend needs to be a gracious host and defer to seniority and guests of honor.

If your boyfriend and you live together, I would initially say him, as he is the head of the house. Otherwise, I would defer to your father as he is the elder of your family. It is nice to consider your 'sister's' father, but I'm sure while he would be honored, he would probably be more comfortable remaining a guest.

Have a great dinner!

make your boyfriend and father head of the table

Since this is your bf and your house, he is the head of the house.
There can only be one head of the house. Your father would be seated on the right side with you between him and your boyfriend. And your guest would be seated on the left with your sister between. And really , what you say, goes anyway. You can always ask Martha.

If your boyfriend lives in the house & owns it with you he should definitely be at the head of the table, if people are not cool with that, too bad, it is your house. Plus, depending on how traditional your family is, most people won't care where they sit anyway, so long as they are close to the turkey!

Family first, the man of the house and your father are the winners.The guest of honor would put on the spot by given the carving duties.He will feel at ease just being a guest..Happy holidays.......

The people who live in the house that is hosting. It does not have to be a man. The answer is you sit at one end and your boyfriend at the other end or one of you sit on one end and the other sits next to him/her and put a guest at the other end.

Your boyfriend is the head of your household. Your father is the head of his and your "sister's" father is an honored guest. No question about it, the man who's pays the rent sits at the head of the table, all others are guests in his home.

Actually it should be you and your BF. It's your house and you are the host/hostess. If you don't want to take it then your father. You answered your own question your sisters father is a guest. The people that sit at the ends are there in case they have to get up, or do a job like carve the turkey.

If "your house" means the house you live in with your boyfriend, then you two are the hosts. The hosts always sit at the ends with distinguised guests seated at their sides. The most important man would sit at the female hosts right and the most important woman sits at the male hosts right. After that it doesn't really matter.

put the youngest by every one else!!

Get a round table.

i say out of the three choose the eldest and they will be seated at the two heads of the table.

If you and your boyfriend are serious then he should sit at the head of the table (if it's BOTH your house). You can sit next to him & your Dad across from you.
If it's YOUR house, then you should sit at the head with your boyfriend & father at either side of you.

This is a very simple solution - the Man of the House, i.e., your boyfriend will sit at the head of the table. The next honored guest would be your father - who sits at the other end of the table. Then, the third honored guest would sit to the right of the man of the house. You would sit to the left of your boyfriend.

Hope that helps.

Is it too late to get a circular table?

Out of respect you let the two oldest sit at the head of the table, explain it to your boyfriend and I'm sure he will understand. He can sit at the head of the table anytime they can't.

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