Tell me something i don't know?!


Tell me something i don't know?

however it has to be true.

If you take your children to Church from the time they are babies, and teach them to sit and be quiet, you will be able to take them to ANY event, in ANY forum, even to parties, theaters, fine restaurants, and they will behave like little men and women. But you must train them and church is best training ground for ettiquette.

There is pluff mud in the marshes of South Carolina. Yes, this is true.

I presume it's a question about entertaining. So, here is some info on how to help the kid's with etquitte.

What about your child's behavior when he's out with you in public? Some parents feel very comfortable taking their kids to the opera, a trade show, or a cocktail party. If you start young, and make the family rules very clear and nonnegotiable in terms of rudeness and noise-making in public, you'll end up with a child comfortable in almost any setting.

Keep your expectations clear. If your child is acting up and disturbing others, take him out. Immediately.
Modeling counts here, big time. Train your child by example as well as by experience.
Be a hands-on parent and don't relinquish responsibility for your child just because there are other adults there engaging him.
Behave Yourself!
Want your child to feel relaxed and self-confident? Expect the best at home! Manners take practice, and unless a child practices at home, he'll have a hard time holding his fork correctly, for example, when he's out. And, unless manners are second-nature for a child, he'll feel self-conscious and uncomfortable trying to use them in public.

what tips stand for

That John Wayne's first name was "Marion"....

Your a schmuck...wait you already know that.

“The word ''belief'' is a difficult thing for me. I don't believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing, and then I know it -I don't need to believe it.”

Now you know but you don't need to believe it.

plz wait some time

Leprosy is also called Hansen's Disease and Armadillos are the only creatures besides humans that can get it.

Most sliced turkey is made from scraps of fat, meat, and anything else that falls into the vat . You can tell the difference by looking for the 'grain' of the meat . Also by price, solid muscle turkey breast is at least 4.50 per pound and many times at least 6.00 per pound.

The difference between ignorance and stupidity.
Ignorance is being unaware, uneducated or uninformed Stupidity is the refusal to act appropriately once one is informed or educated.

Well.. Bruce Willes is dead.

It was about 28 degrees celsius in Johannesburg South Africa today - which is very mild for summer.

try this quote: "The secret of life is to be able to disagree without being disagreeable".

The world is not round. It took centuries to convince folks the world is not flat, now the argument is the world is not round either. It's more like an oval egg shaped pile of earth. Since the world spins fast, the shape of it becames distorted like a 95-mile an hour fastball with spin.To call it round would only mean calling it in one state without movement.

it is snowing in florida

Acrylic nails were invented by a man, suprisingly not a woman.

Did you know that the Death Mask of Nepoleon is housed in New Orleans at the Cabildo? Did you know that crabby older people are alot smarter than the "nice" ones? Did you know that you can drop your bloodsugar extremely LOW by drinking alcohol? Did you know that there is a nerve in your rectum that when stimulated, can make you have a heart attack? (vegas nerve) Did you know that most fat people really hate themselves and hate to look at themselves because obesity starts as a psychological eating disorder to fulfill an "empty" spot in their life? Did you know that you can't bake good cookies with "lo-fat margarin spread"? And did you know that I could go on for quite a while. I loved this question, though...was alot of fun! Thank you very much, and godblessya.

The sun always travels to the right.

Do u know everything??? oooooooooooo

champagne glasses were originally the size and shape of Marie Antoinette's breasts.

Tryptophen in turkey isn't what makes you sleepy. It's the consumption of a large amount of food, mainly protein, that makes a person feel groggy after Thanksgiving dinner. The amount of tryptophan in a serving of turkey is so small that it has no effect on a person.

In Britain today they are going to give patients a chance to vote for their doctors performance and if the docs get a lot, they get more salary.

There is a KFC in Papua, where some surrounding local tribes still use wooden bows and arrows.

I need to get back to work and stop reading Yahoo! Answers.

Robert Baden-Powell disguised as a scientist studying butterflies, spied on enemy fortifications in the Balkans in 1890. He was the founder of the Boys Scouts, and hid his secrets in sketches of Butterflies.

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