Have you tried Mayan Chocolate ice cream by Haagen Dazs?!
Have you tried Mayan Chocolate ice cream by Haagen Dazs?
Did you like the flavor? Please describe your experience with it? Was this served as a part of another dessert? Thank you!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....My tastebuds melted. I loved it and I usually hate chocolate. I had it with a hot chocolate. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...
yup its yummy
Oh yes, and it was delicious! I had it as part of a shake. Best chocolate ever!
OH MY GOD - it's heavenly!
To really gild the lily, I make a chocolate sauce with blocks of mexican hot chocolate and heavy cream and serve it with cinnimon cookies
No, but I love chocolate ice cream...how is it different from regular chocolate?