What is the point of this?!
What is the point of this?
Whenever I watch a spring break video or something similar I always see some dude lay back on a table and then some chick will pour drinks down his throat and then some other chick will start shaking the guys head. What is the purpose of shaking one's head after they get done drinking? I know I'd be pretty ticked off if someone did that to me, LOL.
they are pretending they are shaking or mixing the drinks together ...stupid huh??
What movies are you watching?
Did you pay for them?
Movies you pay for have to be entertaining. I guess you like "head-shaking" movies.
its called "socialism"
The only thing I can think of is it will make you drunk faster. Sort of like those barbershop spinning chairs in bars were you take a shot and they spin you around really fast. You get dizzy and can't walk straight.
lol sorry dunno but that sounds hella funny. =]
It's probably the stupidest thing ever invented, but it supposedly makes you drunk faster.