Not Another Bad Christmas?!


Not Another Bad Christmas?

My sister has brought her kids to my mom's Christmas party for the past two years, and we are really starting to get annoyed because I swear they are the spawn of the devil. They teared down the decorations last year, stuck their fingers in my moms rum cake when they had just came from playing out side, and on top of that the year before they through a rock right at my mom sliding glass window, which cracked so she had to end up replacing it. How can I tell my sister to leave her kids at home, or just not to come at all with out being mean? I know she is a single mother, but you think that someone would have better control over their kids.

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7 months ago
I dont want another bad Christmas party

7 months ago
I dont want another bad Christmas party

lets remember the real reason we are celebrating it was a baby that came into the world that day Ever think of making the party a little more child friendly. . get games don't let them not be unsupervised. an sis should had foot the bill for the window not mom. just remember you also were that age one time an someone thought that about you .

I feel your pain, but unfortunately this is something you'll have to deal with. Christmas is a time for family and a bad Christmas party is better than a feuding family. Try talking to her about how wild the kids are and ask if she needs help. She might get the point that her kids are out of control, plus she won't feel like you are confronting her. Also, give the kids something that they can play with or help with. That might keep them from tearing the house apart. I wish you luck!!

You can pick your friends BUT you can't pick your family. If she can't watch them while she is there then someone else is going to have to watch over them to keep them out of trouble.

Do you realize what a blessing that was?
You should video tape things next time so you can realize how precious those children are.

even if the kids are bad as you are saying. they should still come to the party. why don't you talk to your sister and let her know that the kids need to be on their best behavior at the party. you need to see that it is hard on your sister because there isn't a man in the house to help her with the kids. your sister don't like it when they acted up no parent does. just talk to your sister about it. all family members should be together for Christmas. no one should be alone. when you get kids if you don't have any now you will see it's not easy raising kids if you don't have help with them.why don't yall have a party for the kids and have a party for the adults take the kids to a park or some place for they can play without breaking your mother things.whatever you do don't leave your sister and her kids out of the party.

It sounds like the mother doesn't know how to control her kids, and lets them do anything they want. And for being a single mother, were they raised in daycare anytime, there are some bad daycares out there. Daycares are raising her kids if so.

Sit down and talk to her and tell her the sitution calmly and maturely and don't agrue. Just tell her how it makes everyone feel and see howit goes.

Good Luck

Well, this might not be easy for you to do, but if your sister isn't going to act like a parent, then you should. She might need your help anyway. My girlfriends and I always tag team on disciplining our kids when we are together, so that helps. Not sure if your sister will be open to others disciplining her kids. If she isn't, you just need to talk to her, straight up, and tell her that the way her kids act grandma's house is unacceptable. Especially if they are old enough to know better, I wouldn't hesitate to help discipline them. Talk to your sister about it first if you think it would help. If the kids are under 3, she will probably be happy to have your help. If they are older, you might have a hard time with them. It's a bit of a touchy situation. But it's either your mom spend another $500 or better on a new sliding glass door, or the kids learn to act like normal people. They act like that because they are allowed to. So, you either need to help her if she is open to it, or be the bad guy and tell her the kids aren't invited and tell her why. The truth hurts, but she won't do anything to fix it if she doesn't know her kids behavior is bothering others. If my kids broke ANYONE's window, nevermind a blood relative, they'd be paying for it by doing chores etc.

do what I do, specify NO CHILDREN
I have a relative who also bore some of Satan's spawn, she brought them to a dinner party I was having (that she wasn't invited to) and totally ignored their horrid behavior, and let them run wild, destroying everything in their path!
I'm known as the evil one in the family, I asked the kids if they wanted to try some "adult drinks"
We sat in the kitchen while I gave each of them 6 double espressos loaded with chocolate syrup and they polished off a box of cookies and some candy, then had my very large brother-in-law to kick 'em out
She hasn't bothered me since

I know how you're feeling. There's nothing you can do except maybe hit them when no one's looking. Although it sounds like they would just hit you back... Seriously though, I think you should try talking to your sister; I bet she does need help. If this is a really fancy Christmas party maybe you shouldn't tell your sister about it, and have another family party some other time where the kids can be dirty. If the party in question IS the family party, you're stuck with the little monsters until they are old enought to know better. Then you can get your revenge by telling them embarrassing stories about how bratty they used to be. It's not right to tell your sister she can't come. It's especially wrong to tell her to leave your nieces and nephews at home. What about y'all's mother? She's their grandmother, isn't she? Can discipline them, scare them, while they're at her house?

Good luck

Wow, what a nightmare! Regardless of whether she is a single mother or not is not an excuse. It sounds like someone needs to address this behavior, holiday or not. I mean, if you had a friend who had a spouse that acted that way, you would confront them right? It is not being mean to set some rules ahead of time and if she refuses to discipline her kids or let someone else do it (put them in time out, etc.) then say they will be asked to leave because it is not fair for her kids to ruin Christmas for the others. Good luck!

That is unfortunate. The best thing you can do is specify no children are allowed. You may even spin it to your sister that around the holidays, you want one pleasant evening for the adults to unwind and enjoy each other's company children-free.

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