I'm having a dinner party and need 2 find a big round dish for my placenta?!


I'm having a dinner party and need 2 find a big round dish for my placenta?

does anyone know are there any dishes specially for this? its going 2 be the centre piece, later we will have placenta pate on crackers with port.

I saw rather large dinner plates in ASDA the other day!
Do try some tarragon with the placenta, apparently it brings out the flavour, and the breast milk taste nicer as well!


Why not serve it from the belly of a naked person.

Get out of here!! You must have a very strong stomach and so have your friends!!! I hope I am not invited.

i dont know but save a place for me at the table mmmm placenta you cant beat it!

cool, just get a big plate.
and i would advise you not to tell your guests that its made out of placenta

Your placenta is big enough for pate and as a centerpiece too?

You must be a giantess....

as a vegetarian i suppose i should be absolutely revolted.
as a fairly well travelled parent i know it happens


bon appetite?????

Thanx have just lost my lunch! That is the most disgustin thing I have ever heard!

(Another placenta question. What's Yahoo ! Answers coming to?)

What? You are going to have placenta paté afterwards when you already have placenta for the centre piece? That is overdoing it!

And with port!!! Oh goodness no! Way too strong together.

And to answer your question - NO, there is no dish specially designed for this.

(But thanks for the two points)


Have you tried The Pier, or IKEA, or Habitat?


try borrowing from your neighbors if you're on a budget. but if you can afford it, maybe you should buy a new dish. or you can try out the catering supplies stores for one of those huge plastic containers.

I ate my missus's, it was a bit salty, but went down with a nice red wine. I just ate it raw, with no knive and fork. Blood all over my face, then the nurse came in and it all went **** up. I was naked at the time, and it was an open ward, there were kids in the place, so I ran screaming down the corridor covered in blood.
I had to get out of there. I can imagine how it looked slightly odd.
Oh well, we all make mistakes.

I hope you meant palenta

Do people really eat placentas? I sure hope your guests have strong stomachs!

Hey..you can cook it with your dogs kidneys!!
you sick *****!

Poor joke.

ha ha ha,aren,t you the joker of the pack

You're kidding, right?! Freak!

I mean, seriously, are you kidding? Cuz I'm really a little disturbed right now. I think I'm gonna puke.


After-birth Appetizers have a good range of placenta placement peripheral products!

Contact Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (TV Chef). He famously cooked and served up his wife's placenta. I'm sure this makes him more qualified than most to answer this question!

I am sure you mean polenta. You do, don't you?

Funny, but sick! please post pictures of your guests reactions

I guess you must be an Alien. Why bother with a dish? Just rip it out and enjoy! It would be best to have the dinner party in a large shower room so you can hose down the blood afterwards.

Big rouns plates can be bought anywhere - woolies, tj highes, ikea.
If you want a dish that is raised so as to better show off your placenta then try a cater hire shop.

Sorry I've just been sick .

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