Do you hate double dippers?!


Do you hate double dippers?

Those people at a party that dip a chip, take a bite and then dip it again? Do you say anything? Usually if I can't be first and get a plate of dip, I avoid it. I don't worry so much at home, but did you ever think of the salvia and germs and stuff?

If I were you, I'd head straight for the bar as soon as you arrive. Down a double of your favorite "adult beverage" right away, then get another one quick and start working on that.

I find that after a couple of double "Rusty Nails," I stop worrying about "saliva and germs and stuff in the dip," and start worrying about the really important stuff like "am I being really witty tonight or is it just the Scotch?" "should I tell the joke about the Jewish war veteran and the Chinese guy or is this crowd too PC for that?" "Did my wife just catch me checking out the juggs on the hot redhead in the green dress or not?"

(But yes, it is gross, thoughless and ignorant, without doubt!)

I know what you're saying.That is gross. Especially when there is a guy/girl just standing over the dip eating, their crumbs going into the dip. I'm a huge germophobe. I usually don't eat anything at a huge party.

yeah, i hate em, good n proper

I hate double dippers, if im at like a family party I dont mind as much. But gross who wants to eat dip tainted with stranger saliva?

I try not to. I try to get the whole chip or crudite down in one bite with enough dip. (I'm a dip hog!) But whenever we make dip, it's just the family over, and they're OK. If I didn't know who I was dining with, it might be different.

I hate that. I am not a big fan of any food that can be shared that way, and really dislike buffett resturants for similiar reasons. Many people have gross manners, and will do atrocious things while eating, and possibly spread their funk to others. I am a germophobe too, so any "for everyone" type food is pretty much offensive to me.

Eww! God yes...

If I see someone double-dipping, even if I love the dip... I will not go back for more. It's like they get stuck in their little "dipping" world, and don't realize that there's other people that want some.

Like you said, you take the first plate. But, a lot of people don't take plates! They just stand at the bowl and eat it... even if people didn't double dip, there would still be germs in the bowl, just from people's fingers touching it...

Now that I'm 100% grossed out...

I hope I helped ya a little!


Yeah I hate that too it's nasty and rude if you know other people are going to get that dip two! I don't mind at home but other places yes!

hate is an ugly word, but yes!

Oh gosh, yes, I say something. That is so gross. I usually handle it w/ humor, though. And try to serve chips like "scoops" or those little scoopable Tostitos where they can eat the whole chip in one bit to prevent double dips or turn-arounds.

I always double dip. The part without the dip is boring. if you don't want me to double dip, make the dipper small. I hate to be stuck will a half stick of carrot in my hand and no dip on it.


no way do i hate double dippers - i am one!

Yuck and Yuck! We have a nasty guy at work that if he has been into the food, every one else avoids it! The thought of eating after someone else (except my hubby) just icks me out!

yes--and if i see one person doing it, i forget about either eating it or going back for seconds if i already had first in line, get what you need and then you won't have to be concerned with it

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