Should people over 40 dress up for Halloween?!


Should people over 40 dress up for Halloween?

I am 44 and for myself, no.
But different strokes for different folks.
I live in Orlando and the weather is wonderful on Hallwoween, it'll be in the mid 70's in the evening and there is a smokey flavor in the air. I have a 6 and 3 year old boy, and we enjoy going door to door.
Let me tell you this, about 10 years ago in my first marriage, my 13 year old stepdaughter painted my face up for trick or treating, and this was back in Chicago. When the people opened their doors they freaked when they saw me, like I was a weirdo or buffoon. Didn't play too well.

Yes. You're only as old as you feel.

ur 40? whoa that is kinda hitting the limit of the whole dress-up thing but if you have a kid i'd do it for the kids sake

no, Halloween is made for kids to collect candy and eat them :P

YES. fun has no age limit

yes have fun

Yes, your never to old to have fun!

They don't need to! they already look scary! ;0)

or course its fun. ur as old as you feel.

By the time you get 40 you should have a face that doesn't need a mask to be scary!!

yes, if they have some reason to. Say to go to a party, or to greet the trick or treaters that come to your house.

no its mostly for children. The only way they should dress up is if they are bringing there children or grand children out

yes why not. why do people think that because you are over forty that you are past it.

I think it's fine! Especially if you have a cool party to go to. Halloween is for all ages.

in celebration there is no age and everybody should celebrate even they are over 40


Everyone should dress up for Halloween! It's the only time it's all that socially acceptable to look like a goof in a costume. Have fun with it!

of course, if they are not embarrased by it.

Its up to the person.

Go for it! Halloween is a great night to let loose and "be" someone you're normally not.

YES...why not when passing out the candy kids love
it when your dressed up...also dress up for your party!!!

i really think it is a matter of preference if a person over 40 wants to dress up for halloween. some people over 40 don't act their age or feel over their age

Why not?

if you are going to a party, yes.
To go trick or treating- NO!

Absolutely! Having fun is what keeps you young!

if thats what they wanna do then go for it


Should people over 40 not celebrate any other holidays? When someone reaches any particular age, should they be shuttled off to the land of 'No Fun Allowed'? Perhaps it would be OK to just shoot old people because they use up too many resources? After all, fun is only for the young! Why wear X-mas shirts or holiday jewelry? Now, if you will excuse me, I'll just hobble over to repack all my holiday wear. I'm WAAAAAY past 40!!!

Us people over 40 dont need to dress up for Haloween !!

Why on Earth not?!

I wouldn't suggest trick-or-treating, though...

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