Did u know, that eating a bag of crisps a day is the equivalent?!


Did u know, that eating a bag of crisps a day is the equivalent?

of drinking 5 litres of oil, now thats kinda turned me off them lol
i heard it on the radio yesterday, well ya learn something new every day, just though id let ya know

Additional Details

9 months ago
Crisps= chips in america, like doritos, pringles, walkers etc

9 months ago
Crisps= chips in america, like doritos, pringles, walkers etc

crisps? like air crisps?! i love those!!

is equivalent to being obesity

yes i did it came on the news its digusting but it made me so hungry i went and got a pack and stuffed my face with some lol

Your common sense tells you this is uttter rubbish!! Why should you believe anything just because it was broadcast on radio? Do you mean in a whole lifetime...over what period. That is the point surely?

are crisps sold in the US?

i find hard to believe actually not 5 litres

yeah - but 5 litres of oil - though it sounds a LOT if you were to look at a 5 gallon container, isn't all that much to process through your body spread out over a whole year!!

5litres divided by 365? about a mililitre or less a day. or about a 1/5th of a teaspoon

doesn't seem that bad now eh? munch up those crisps!

i know its gross. but it wont stop me eating them they are very addictive

Yeah I heard that. Very yuckyful.

good thing I dont like potato chips.
Thanks for the info though!
thats really gross!

Same with a bottle of cola - equivalent to one bag of sugar

Did you know?

Yes, crisps are potato chips

what is a crisp? Is it similar to potato chips?

yeah 5L of oil per year...shocking isn't it !!!LOL

i know i heard this to i dont eat alot of crispa but hubby does so i told him but it went in one ear and out the other.

You clearly did not use any common sense before you made that ridiculous statement...
Don't believe everything you hear...

Yes, but if you particularly need to consume 5 litres of cooking oil every year, a bag of crisps a day is probably the nicest way to do so.

Well, licking a stamp makes you put on 10 calories

i don't think crisps are that bad. they weigh in at about 120 calories for a normal bag, compared with 80 for an orange and 300+ for a bar of chocolate or 600+ for a bag of nuts

Yeah have you seen the adverts showing this. I drove past a billboard and there is a picture of a woman drinking directly out of a 5 litre bottle of oil and it's all running down her face. It was disgusting....

A nice thing to keep in mind when the urge to eat them comes on and one knows one's level of cholesterol in the blood. And all the salt is good for helping one's body retain liquids. Changing diets is probably easier while young. Please don't wait for coronary problems to eat a healthier diet!

damn it! i love crisps! maybe that's why....... never mind. ;-) x

Yes, we ALL heard it/saw it on every news programme and in most newspapers - YESTERDAY - so it's already out of date.

This is just another case of media hype.

Look at the FACTS.

A 30g bag of crisps (chips) is around 50% oil - so that's 15g (three teaspoons) of oil a day x 365 = 5475g - about 5 litres of oil.

This is NOT a major problem as part of an otherwise healty diet.

Nearly ALL Indian food contains large quantites of Ghee (butter fat), Italian's love to smother things in Olive oil and yet nothing is said about that....and many nations have diets high(ish) in fats.
Not all fats are bad...some are verging on the essential!!

...another slow news day.... well, SARS didn't kill millions, neither did Bird Flu...or BSE...or Anthrax in the mail...or GM foods...or Rotweillers... so now it's KILLER CRISPS!!

Has Gillian Mckeith been raving again?!!!!


yeah thats pretty yuck...
no wonder why people put on so much weight

And did u know that children in America are addicted to at leas one packet of chips per day, which is equivalent to 5L of oil per year???

if u take notice of everything u hear u would starve to death!!!

Blah blah blah blah. 3 years ago, they said red wine is bad for you. Now it's not. 3 years ago they said chocolate is bad for you - now they say dark chocolate is not. All food is good for you in moderation. This always get's on my nerves when the media starts this kinda rubbish. And who worked this out???? Some university with nothing else to do? Probably! Pay no attention to media hype and panic - at's all absolute rubbish. Crisps are fine if you stick to a few packs a week - it's those that eat 7 packs a day that need to worry. 1 bag of crisps each day is less hazardous to the human body than 1 mars bar each day.

I eat crisps by the carrier bag and I'm not fat.
don't believe everything you are told, I think they might have been talking about calorific value and not fat consumption.

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