How Do You Tell A Hostess That Every Dish She Serves Has A Mothball Aftertaste?!


How Do You Tell A Hostess That Every Dish She Serves Has A Mothball Aftertaste?

What could she possibly be doing to make her dishes have this aftertaste? She does have a cat in the house. I’m assuming she use mothballs to kill the cat odors.

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9 months ago
There is a lady among my friends who is always hosting dinner parties. However each and every dish has a mothball aftertaste. We do not want to stop accepting her invitations, but we simply can’t stomach the taste any more…

I have been nominated to gently tell her about this. Help!!!!!

9 months ago
Thanks to all for your help and to all the professional chefs who are not snobs...

9 months ago
There is a lady among my friends who is always hosting dinner parties. However each and every dish has a mothball aftertaste. We do not want to stop accepting her invitations, but we simply can’t stomach the taste any more…

I have been nominated to gently tell her about this. Help!!!!!

9 months ago
Thanks to all for your help and to all the professional chefs who are not snobs...

Casually ask her one day what she uses to keep the cat smells out of her home. If she says mothballs. Then ask her where she puts them. If she puts them in the kitchen, tell her that putting them in the kitchen makes the food not taste as good. be kind and helpfull!

damn that really sux for u. i wouldn't have a clue as to what to say but good luck anyway.

Your best bet is to maybe first tell her that although everyone loves the fact that she hosts your get-togethers, you all feel it is only fair if everyone brings a dish. I go to plenty of parties/get-togethers at our friends homes and we all pitch in to supply the food, dessert etc..
Maybe this way everyone who finds her food to be unappealing, if you will, can munch onthe items brought by someone else.
F.Y.I I have heard that certain dishwashers and detergents can taint the taste of foods- also, she may be using a spice or additive or maybe her fridge is dirty and hindering the taste... these are all things that could explain the taste accompyning every dish.
GOOD LUCK- wouldn't want to do the deed myself ;-)

straight out, just say do u keep ur dishes in mothballs becuz
thats how everything tastes.then set ur dish on the table &
say i can;t eat this nasty stuff i'm going to micky d's.

yuk yuk... stop going for dinner. or you could tell her, maybe thats best.

you sent me a email about answering this question and i didnt answer it......and emails cannot be replied to you....

Oh! you poor thing!!!
?Why don't you Try to volunteer on the food preparations.
?maybe you could suggest to your friends to bring food,like pot luck >>>>that way you guys wont be eating the aftertaste mothball : ) Good luck!!!

i'd send her a note about it but i wouldn't sign it and maybe she wouldn't feel awkward around you and vice versa. Also if you do decide to tell her face to face, I would go with one of friends that agrees with you. It's not fair they put this all on you, especially if it is a group decision.

Tell her that the next time she has a party that she need not do all the work herself, that it is potluck and everyone should bring a dish with them when they come to her house. Or you may suggest that since she is always the one having all of the parties that it is time someone else serves as hostess.
But please don't ever tell her that her food tastes like mothballs!

Try asking her to post a friends potluck supper. She can supply the plates, glasses and such, as well as the beverage. Then you won't have to deal with the mothball issue. If you don't feel comfortable talking to her about a potluck then I would suggest sending her a sweet friendship card and include a typed request to keep the mothballs out of the kitchen and dining areas because her food has a mothball aftertaste. Don't sign your name! Just sign it - "A friend too shy to tell you the truth".

Flat tell her out-right.... Your food tastes like Chit.....

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