HELP i dnt know what kinda ALCOHOL to drink??!


HELP i dnt know what kinda ALCOHOL to drink??

Hello there everyone here is the thing, I dnt know how to pick alcohol. I mean i feel lame sometimes because all of my friends drink - casually that is, not abusive. we have parties at our apartments, houses, dorms, etc. and yet i mean everyone is drinking and i have no idea what to choose what ti mix, nada!!

im totally clueless when it comes to this stuff. DONT get me wrong its not like ive never taken a drink before, i have ive tried beer, and im not too fond of it, ive had some drink called an audios i guess thats considered what a mix drink? i d k .. the main idea is i dont know what to do like what kinda drink to order or what.

has anyone ever felt like this before? I would reall appreciate some GOOD answers im really serious about this and dont want mean or off subject answers. Thank you!!

as long as you're drinking responsibly, here are some tips.

even if you don't love the taste of beer, there's no harm in checking it out. If you are in college there will be lots of times where there is only beer around and you're forced to drink it. Something light like Coors Light, Miller Light, or Pabst Blue Ribbon isn't too bad to start on, because they don't taste like much.

If you positively can't stand beer, you could check out some of those smirnoff-type drinks, like mike's hard lemonade, or the jack daniels downhome punch. I personally hate these because they are way, way too sweet and give me a stomachace, but many people do like them.

If you're not into that, there are some options in hard alcohol. Vodka would be a good choice because it is relatively tasteless, and goes with almost any mixer. You have tons of options: Vodka and cranberry with a lime (a "cape codder;") Vodka tonic; Vodka and Coke, Vodka and Orange Juice, whatever you feel like.

You could also check out any type of flavored vodkas. They also go really well with everything, and because they have so much flavor you can just mix them with soda water or something mild/tasteless.

If you like more fruity-sweet drinks, Rum is also a good option. It goes really well with pineapple juice, coke, etc.

Whiskey, bourbon, or scotch is a good choice if you like things less sweet.

A margarita is a drink everyone likes as well.

Honestly, the best way to go is just to try things out. Try things that your friends are having and see if you like them. It is always better to have the same drink as the person you are with--I dunno, it's like bonding.

I'm partial to wine as well....try Merlot or Riesling, they are both pretty mild.

hope this helps but remember to drink responsibly no matter what

----a bartender

experimenting is half the fun

A good serious answer is: don't drink alcohol.

Just order water, iced tea, or a soft drink.

You'll be a lot healthier in the long run.

try hurricanes, or amaretto sours, vodka soures are good too, If you like sweet mix drinks! If you want strong drinks try appletini's or straight rum and coke!!

due yourself a favor and don't drink any!

you don't have to drink just because you're friends do. ........ BE SMART just drink club soda with a twist of lemon.

wine cooler

Just take a hard liquor such as whiskey, vodka, rum, etc. and mix it with a soda...coke, 7-Up, etc. It's usually the easiest. The soda will mask some of the harshness of the alcohol.

Here is a list of very good drinks: white russian, rum and coke, whiskey and coke, screwdriver, 007, bloody mary and now for shots...dead nazi, jag bomb, red headed ****, bongwater and thats about all i can think of right now, if you dont know whats in these you can look them up online.

Tell them it is BYOB and let them mix them.

alcohol is a poisen to the body tissues. it causes muscle damage and the brain is a muscle. if you have to join your friends then choose a cranberry-fizz soda water drink instead or a Shirley temple or a virgin Mary. anything but alcohol. you will be alert and also you will relax naturally.your mind and your body will thank you for it. People who drink alcohol also tend to gain fat on their bodies very easy as it alters the bodies metabolism.

Lemon drops. They are so yummy if you're into lemon, that is. They have a sugared rim too!

No, I've never felt like that before...but it would probably do me some good if I did sometimes. Anyway, drinks that involve orange juice are my favorite - they are easy, taste good, and most of all...CHEAP. You can mix some of the worst-tasting alcohol (cheap Vodka, Gin) with good ol' O.J. and you'll come off looking like a seasoned bartender at your next shindig...CHEERS!

You have to ask yourself what you like. Do you like fruity? Then I suggest something simple like Malibu mixed with pineapple. The white russian is good, too. It is coffee liquour mixed with half & half, tastes like chocolate milk. Another simple one is cherry pucker and coke, it makes a cherry coke, easy to drink, without the alcohol taste to it. I like amaretto stone sours, too. Try them all, see which one you prefer. Good Luck!

well i have been were you were but i had older friend i hung around and you do feel stupid i would try so of what other people were drinking till i found what i liked no one ever knows then when they ask what you usually drink then tell them some popular drink that everyone dink and tell them you just want to try something new or just be honest with a close friend every ones been there weather they want to admit it or not no one is ever born drinking and knowing all the drinks hope i helped good luck

Vodka is best for no hangovers, but good vodka (ie Stoli, Belvedere, etc) and mixing it with cranberry, orange or grapefruit juice. Otherwise, I would try different things until you found something you liked and it's also fine if you don't drink. Don't fall into peer pressure.

well considering that you dont really drink I would stick with a good old fashion rum and coke. Thats the most popular. Also if you havent drank liquor before I wouldnt sugguest an adios. You will be gone for a couple of days. LOL

But yeah try rum and coke, sex on the beach, midori sours anything that is fruity at least you dont taste the alcohol and another thing never mix your drinks. Trust me on this. You will get so sick and well lets just say one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR the bathroom floor that is. LOL
oh and another suggestion if you want something that taste good like a shot or something ask for a cherry bomb those are so good. Its vodka, redbull, and cherry liquor

ok im the same way.. i dont like the taste of beer but liquor is great.. try this its called a blue motorcycle.. its a fruity drink even a long island iced tea is great but it hits you hard.. ok now with a straw it goes straight to your head quick.. incredrible hulk its henny and hypnotiq then you can go for a strawberri daquiri..mudslides have a nice flavor too.. now just out of a bottle you can get bacardi, or mikes hard, smirnoff these are all fruity drinks and are what i think are good.. there is another one i really like but all i can remember of the name is ambrosia its like lemonaide almost but its is really good.. i hope this helps you out some..

Drinking alcohol is stupid and it tears families apart. It kills innocent people.

You need to figure out what kind of alcohol you do and don't like. Meaning.... Do you like vodka, rum, tequila and so on. There are also different flavors of liquors which makes it interesting as well.

If you know you like fruity drinks go in that direction. Like I really enjoy vodka drinks. So for me I go with a mixed drink with vodka. My favorite is called a twisted cola. It's cola (diet for me) with vanilla vodka. But Vodka mixed with lemonaide is yummy and refreshing. I know that I don't care for tequila. So I don't order margaritas. I'll have a daiquiri because it's made with rum.

Anyway, what you need to try to do is figure out what liquor you like and go from there. AND while you are at the party ask to take a sip of a friend's drink. Tell the bartender I like drinks with Vodka. Got any suggestions?

Here's a website to check out.

That Audio drink aka AMF is STRONG. ( )

be responsible and dont drink

A wine spritzer is a nice way to enjoy alcohol but not too much of it all at once.

If you like Coke, you can try a rum and Coke on ice.

If you like juice, you can try your favorite juice mixed with vodka (on ice).

Frozen drinks mixed with alcohol are also fun.

Finally, you may not enjoy the taste of any alcoholic beverages. If that is the case, don't feel lame. Drink a soda, tea or water. You don't have to drink booze to be cool.

honey u don't have to eat or drink somthing that makes u lost ur mind.!!!!!!!!!

This is where you and I differ quite substantially. See, my question would be what not to drink.. ;) I say for the beginner, go with what flavour you like. Drink coffee?- Then Kaluha. Like licorice?- Then Black Sambucca. Like hot mexican food?- Tequilla shots!!!!!

How about go with your taste bud first. If you like sweet things then go for the sweet liquors or drinks. Watch out for those thou, cause the sweeter they are the more apt you are to drink more.

Try different things and relax.......There are tons of drinks to drink Dont be in a hurry to do them all at once.....Good luck!

You can buy mixed drinks at liquor stores. Sometimes when people mix drinks at frat parties, sometimes you don't know what you are getting. I find Mike's hard lemon aid, and the spiked ice teas to be very good, and give you a nice little buzz.

You just need to have a few things, Beer, usually a light beer, some red and white wine, and the can get a few bottles that can be mixed with many different things....I would suggest that you have Vodka, Rum, and a bottle of whisky....with those three you should be able to make most basic drinks.......but don't forget the mixers

Well since you are not sure what you like try a few different things and see what you do like. Ask a friend that has something to get a taste or to make you one and go from there. Or at one of the gatherings have someone who knows how to make some different things play bartender and then you can have them make you some things and find out what you like. Also a good way is go to a bar or restaurant and try a drink or 2 from the menu, lots of places have the names and what alcohol is in it so you will know. As always if you do go out have someone else drive or seriously have only 1 or 2 drinks.

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