How can I break my fast food cravings?!


How can I break my fast food cravings?

I have a Mickey D's a block from my house and I dont know how to cook. I also hate tv dinners.

gosh mcdonalds is bad for you. I am sure you've heard that before. Once you stop eating it, you will probably keep on craving the fast food, but after a time the cravings will go away if you start eating healthy food instead. Like, make homemade hamburgers they are much better for you and they are easy to make. Buy a jar of spagetti sauce and some noodles, that is easy. Um, get some lunch meat and cheese and healthy wheat bread. Some healthy cereals. I could go on and on with more ideas, but I would make this too long. :)

I have one across the street, and I don't go to it.

Basically stop eating it for a month, then you won't crave it O SO MUCH!

You should learn to cook, or look for things you can throw in the oven, and what not.

Lock the money away and give the key to someone who wont give you it back until a certain period in time later on in the day. Or you can trust yourself and use your own self discipline to make a bowl of cereal or the like.

The first thing to do is to learn how bad fast food is for you, and how cruel it is to animals.
Once you have properly done that, you will never want to eat fast food again.
Take a look at

Then you need to learn how to feed yourself properly. Of course you can cook. Start with some very simple things, like egg on toast.
Buy some cereals. Eat fruit.
Get a recipe book and try.
Not only will you save money, and be healthier, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and become more confident to change other aspects of your life.
Happy eating!

whatch that mc donald movie trust me u wont want to eat it there chicken is made of left behind dead chicken and they use the bones head legs everthing for there chicken pattys and nuggets trust me its nasty

Keep plenty of plastic containers, stocked with food with you everywhere you go. Don't let yourself get hungry and the cravings will never come. It's when your hungry and are trying to figure out what to eat when the temptation comes. Don't even let your mind have a chance to think about JIB or KFC.

Watch the below film and LISTEN to what the doctors are telling the man! It will make you sick! You wont want to eat fast food again...
LEARN how to cook! It's not that hard! It's much cheaper than eating fast food!

Tell someone close to you to stab you in the arm you eat any junk food.

Read the book... Fast Food Nation... that made me stop... and learn to cook or find dishes which are easy to prepare and do not require a lot of prep time...

its called will power my friend,get involved in some activity,like cooking leasons

stop buying fast food....that usually works. try gastric bypass. . .it shrinks the stomach to a size where fast food wouldn't even satisfy you =^)

You can't. My neighbour in Melbourne lived off KFC chicken and rubbish (flavoured milk, bags of chips, gummies) from 7-11 the entire year until he got so broke, he figured he better learn to start cooking.


If I can do it, you can. The best way to kick a bad habit is replace it with a good habit. I've found healthy sandwiches a God-send. Skip the mayo and make a healthy sandwich on whole wheat bread with mustard for example (try to keep the deli meats to a minimum) or try healthy sandwich wraps. Going for Chinese food? Have them stir fry some veggies with chicken, beef, shrimp etc. without the sauce and ask for brown rice. Any of these alternatives is so good and much better than that fast-food crap. Skip the soda and wash it down with a diet lemonade (hardly a difference) or iced-tea and your on your way. Your taste buds will change over-time. It was such a long-time since I had a Mickey D's hamburger that when I did try one, I nearly puked. I couldn't even finish it as it was making me sick.

Stop eating it. After a few days you won't crave it anymore.....always eat little meals throughout the day and then you won't be hungry and tempted to go eat that crap!!

Learn how to cook. There are a ton of real easy recipes out there. Learn the basics and you are good to go.

the best way is to get your favorite junk food and ask somebody to spit in it before they give it to you.....its so gross and graphic that you will remember it everytime you want to eat that food!!! won't be able to eat it ever!!

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