Anyone know of great bridal shower games?!


Anyone know of great bridal shower games?

i am doing a couple of "writing games" for my sisters shower, but is there a game that can be done at the tables besides writing lists and such? this is a casual country club shower.

Have some questions about the bride and or groom ready to be asked and see how many people "really" there about to be wed friend. (questions can include things like, how they met, what was the first job that the bride held... you get the idea)

Find or buy a cute container or bottle and fill it up with candy, or safety pins, or anything having to do with the wedding or shower. Make sure you know how many pieces are in it before you seal it up. Pass the bottle around and have the guests guess how many pieces are in it. Have them write on a piece of paper with their guess. Who ever is the closest, wins.

Wedding Dress:
Before the shower, purchase several rolls of white toilet paper. At the party, divide the guests into two or more groups of 3-5 people. Each group must choose a model for their wedding dress (mothers of the bride and/or groom work wonderfully). The goal is for each group to design and fashion a "wedding dress" out of toilet paper. Accessories are allowed (earrings, bouquets, trains, headpieces, wedding ring, etc.), but they must all be fashioned out of toilet paper. Once the groups are finished, the bride must pick the winner of the contest. This is my favorite bridal shower activity. And brides love this contest for the wonderful photo-memories it provides.

Changing gifts:
This one is way fun to play. We play this one at our Christmas Parties. But it can be just as fun for any party! You will need some floor space to play this one... get everyone in a circle and place some wrapped gifts in the center, usually a number less than the number of guests that arrive. Wrap them in all different size boxes, and colors and pretty them up with a bow or unique wrapping paper. The gifts should range from a really cheap joke or an inexpensive (like the anything less then $1.00 stores) to a few nicer gifts (bath beads, little picture frame ..etc.) Set a timer for about 10 minutes (longer if you have more then 15 guests). Start with the Bride-to-be. Give her a set of dice and tell her to roll them. If she gets doubles, she picks out a prize in the center of the circle. Then start passing the dice around the circle. Anyone that gets doubles may take a prize from the circle. Once all the prizes from the center are gone (this is where the FUN begins!) the guests can start to taking gifts from the other guests, when they roll doubles or "trade" with another guest. Keep passing the dice around until the timer goes off. Whoever has the gift at the end gets to keep it! It is funny to see what gift the guests start fighting over because of the shape/size of the box or even the wrapping paper. Nine times out of ten the guests end up fighting over that joke gift! ...NOTE... as you may have been able to guess, NONE of the gifts can be opened until the timer goes off at the end!

The Wedding is over.
Tell the guests and bride to pretend the wedding is over and it is the wedding night. The motel/cruise boat/etc. that the couple is staying in loses all electricity and the bride must prepare for her wedding night in complete darkness. Next blindfold the bride and hand her a suitcase. He must put on everything in the suitcase. Put items in it such as sunglasses, men's underwear, big bra, work gloves, or anything else that may bring a laugh. (She puts all this on over her clothes!) When she is done take a picture's hilarious!

You can use paper or cloth bags, so that the guests are able to feel the item. Find about 10-15 common items around the house (i.e remote control, video tape, pen, tooth brush, etc.) and place the items in each bag. Pass the items around for the guests to feel. They're allowed to 15-30 seconds to hold the bag, then they must pass to the next guest. They should have a pen and paper to write down their guesses. The guest with the most correct answers wins.

Complete the sentence.
Each guest should receive a piece of paper with the following sentences that need to be completed. Time limit should only be 5 minutes. (to keep in tune with the times it has been brought to my attention to remind people that THESE ARE EXAMPLES ONLY! Feel free to change or modify any of the statements as you deem appropriate)


A woman's work ...
A happy house...
Behind every great man...
A woman's place...
When the going gets tough...
A stitch in time...
My house is...
The path of true love...
Variety is...
Every man's home...
True love...
Marriages are...
A watched pot...
If the shoe fits...
A penny saved...
Home is...
Too many cooks...

is never done
is full of laughter
is a successful woman
is in the home.
the tough get going
saves nine
your house
never runs smooth
the spice of life
is his castle
conquers all
made in heaven
never boils
wear it
is a penny earned
where the heart is
spoil the broth

Draw it.
Every person is handed a piece of paper, pen and a hard covered book. They are all instructed to put their names on the paper and then turn it over and put it on the book. Then they are to all put the books on their heads (with the clean side of the paper facing upward). They have to draw what the bride I will look like on her wedding day (making the drawing as detailed as they can- with a veil, jewelry, a train, etc.... Allow them 2 minutes to finish their drawings. Then they can take the book off their heads and look at their masterpieces, (It is a crack-up). Then hand all of the papers to the bride to vote on which one is the very best. Then turn the paper over to see who had drawn it. The bride can keep all of the drawings and look at them fondly over the years. Submitted by:Duane Lee Holden

Safety Pin.
It sounds super easy but it's not... you'll need: bag of rice, safety pins and a blind fold : Directions: fill a large mixing bowl half full with rice (long grain works best) mix in about 50 or so small to medium safety pins with blind fold on have each person try to grab as many pins they can in a 30 second time frame. It's amazing how competitive everyone gets...

The Groom
Prior to the shower, someone contacts the groom and asks him a list of questions (about 10 or 15) about himself and the "intended" Be sure that whatever you ask him remains a secret so that the bride doesn't know ahead of time. Write out each question on a 3x5 index card and on the back write the grooms answers. Some types of questions can be:
1. What's the groom's favorite food?
2. If the groom were a superhero, who would he be?
3. What was the date of your first kiss, date?
4. Where did you go on your first date?
5. What animal would the groom compare you to? --Get creative!
At the shower, read the questions to the group. Each person writes down how many they think the bride will get right. To get the question right, the bride must match the groom's answer. Then ask the bride the questions, let her answer, then read them out loud. It's a lot of fun and can get very interesting.
Variation: For every answer the bride correctly gets, give her a Hershey's kiss, for everyone wrong give her a stick of chewing gum. Submitted by Amanda Maynard

Separate the guests into several teams. Have an assortment of magazines (usually 3-5 per group), glue, scissors and an 11x14 piece of construction paper, for each team. Give each team a list of WORDS and or PICTURES (usually about 15 items of either or combination of both) of things that they need to find in their magazines that they need to glue to the paper. First team finished wins! Now what do you do with the collages?? Give them to the Bride to be of course! So when making up your "items" put a little fun in them like...."A man in jeans Butt" the word "Penis" the "Name of the Bride to be" (that one can be tough to find so they can cut out some letters for that one...that should be the HEADER of the paper) or perhaps you want to find words that describe the bride to be. The suggestions are endless! (PS; THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE BY FAR!)

Who knows the Bride Best
....this is similar to one that I said earlier (trivia game) Only the Bride to be fills out an info sheet on herself (favorite food, restaurant, pet, place she wants to live ..etc.) she should have about 20 things. For example: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? What is your favorite place to eat lunch? Give the same questions to each guest and have them fill out what THEY think her answers would be. -----Got the idea?

Purse power!
This is a great game! Have all the guests have their purses in front of them for this game. Make a list (beforehand) of common and uncommon things that can be found in a woman's purse. Assign each item a point value. (hairbrush might be worth 2 points, lipstick 3 points/5 if it is red, mirror...etc.) Uncommon items should have a higher point value (lotion, staple get the idea!) Liven things up a bit and put down a condom and value that at 20 points! The list is endless and is great fun! Keep the items simple and not too uncommon or you may wind up with an unhappy guest who doesn't have anything but a wallet in her purse!!
VARIATION to this game might be: Have the BRIDE to be hold the "master" and let her decide what "item" should be found and the first person to present that item receives the points for that round. You will need a score keeper or let them keep their own.

Wedding Bingo
(not this is NOT the traditional bingo game that you have to buy!) Make up some Blank Bingo Cards for each guest to fill in what they think the bride to be gifts will be. As the gifts are opened the guests mark off their "item" if they have it on their card. When the card is full they win a prize. (If no card is completed, give it to the person that marked off the most items)

Word Jumble.
Find out just how well your guests know about organizing a wedding by having them unscramble the following list of wedding related words. The first person to complete the unscrambling properly is the winner. If no one completes the list within a 10 minute time frame, the one with the most correct answers is the winner.

Scrambled: 1. morgo 7. stigf
2. grin 8. worfsel
3. grealcmny 9. kace
4. reshus 10. tenbasm
5. trarge 11. edrbi
6. smiedsibrad 12. crie

answers unscrambled: 1. groom 7. gifts
2. ring 8. flowers
3. clergyman 9. cake
4. ushers 10. bestman
5. garter 11. bride
6. bridesmaids 12. rice

(of course you can create your own words by using words to describe the bride-to-be, this is always fun to do, and see how much your guest know about the bride)
Clothes Pins.
You start with a hanger with about 20 clothes pins on it. Each person gets a turn to get as many clothes pins off without dropping any and only using one hand to hold the hanger and the other hand to take the clothes pins off. When a clothes pin is dropped you count how many they got off and the person who gets the most pins wins.

Who am I?
A perfect way to start a shower. Prepare ahead of time by writing the name of a famous person, singer, actor/actress on a 3x5 index card or piece of paper. As each guest arrives pin one of the "tags" on her back without her knowing her "secret identity". The task is for the guest to find out who she is by asking others questions which can only be answered with a yes or no. This is a great way for guests to get mingling right away so they can learn who they are. First one to learn their identity is the winner. You may want to lengthen the game by offering 2nd and 3rd place prizes.

Fill in the blanks.
Each guest receives a pencil and paper. The sheet contains the word "bridal" written vertically down the left margin with the word "shower" directly across from it on the right side. The object is to use each pair of letters as the beginning and end of the longest word they can think of. First word for example must begin with the letter "b" and end with an "s". (ie. brides, bouquets, banana) Each word is worth one point, unless it pertains directly to a wedding or shower, in which case that would be worth 2 points. The time limit should be no more than 10 minutes.

This is best about 30 minutes into the party. Have everyone sit in a designated area and hand them a piece of paper and pen. Then ask the bride-to-be to leave the room. Now have each guest describe on paper everything they can remember about what the bride is wearing and to get as detailed as possible. (earrings, shoes, stockings?, make-up, watch, dress, pants, blouse...etc...) The more detailed the information the better it is. Give them 5 minutes and then tell them to stop writing. Then invited the bride back in. The winner is the person that described the most.

Poetry in fun
"Dear Sarah, You are entering a new ERA. There will come a THYME in your marriage when you find "groom's name" is not always MR. CLEAN, but don't send out the S.O.S. because he might VANISH. "Groom's name" will always bring you CHEER and you will find him to be your white DOVE. When you are together you will find JOY, so remember your PLEDGE and give him your ALL. To "bride's name" and "groom's name" the Best of Luck & Good Fortune in the years to come. And may "groom's name" always be your HONEY.

Variation: This one is a letter utilizing mostly cleaning products and health products. This is to be presented by the bridal party to the bride in front of guests:

Dear "bride's name", It is only fair that we let (Bride's name) in on a little SECRET. (Groom's name) may be FANTASTIC but wait until (Bride's name) finds out that he is not MR. CLEAN. He'll expect her to be a DYNAMO in the kitchen and he thinks all women should MOP & GLOW. At night he'll wake you up at DAWN to SNUGGLE up close. We all AGREE that (Bride's name) and (Groom's name) will have a very happy LIFE together. Our wish for you is that your home be filled with JOY and you remain as happy as ever in the FUTURE.

Clothes Pin.
This one is a game as well as an ice breaker. When guests arrive to the party, each one is given a clothes pin (usually decorated in the theme colors of the wedding ) and instructed NOT to mention the Grooms name during the entire shower. If someone catches another person saying his name, they (the person that said his name) must give up their clothes pin to the "catcher". At the end of the shower, the person with the most "pins" is declared the winner and WINS a prize. This is a fun way of keeping the party interactive and helps people to relax a bit easier.

Types of Prizes for the games:
address books, day planners, pound of gourmet coffee beans, special soaps, scarfs, bath salts, ring dishes, movie passes, corkscrew, bottle of wine, plants, coffee mugs, telephone message pads. You can click one of the sponsors links and purchase them now.

From what I hear from friends and family, most women don't like stupid games at showers.

on my friend's bridal shower this is what we did
-make a quiz about the bride's personal life and see how well the guests know her
-challenge the guests to make a newspaper bride's dress for the bride

These webpages have some awesome ideas. Ive played a couple. There is too much to paste into this box. Hope this helps!

The best bridal shower game is actually done in secret by you and anyone who want to help. Everytime the bride opens up a gift you write down a little bit of what she says. Like if she opens up a nice platter and her response is "it's so big" write that down. At the end of the shower you tell her you know exactly what she's going to say on her wedding night... it can get very funny and will probably make her turn a couple of shades of red. When my cousin got married I was the one who wrote everything down and since it was a family bridal shower I waited until it was just the girls ( we all went out to eat) and I read it while we were waiting on the food, needless to say she was very thankful I didn't read it at the party. has some great ideas.

I love playing baby bingo. I made up my own bingo cards. You play this while the mother to be opens her gifts. Make the bingo card using gifts on her registry and you expect her to get. Everytime she opens a gift that on the cards, it gets crossed off/colored in, whatever.

Also, have someone write down everything the mother says when she opens the gifts. Supposedly, whatever she says is what she said on the night the baby was conceived. It's hilarious, because she'll say things like "it's so small! it's so cute!"

A cheap, easy game to play with cotton balls. This tests how sensitive and gentle the guests are when dealing with a baby. Put a bunch of cotton balls in a big bowl. Get another big, empty bowl. Using a big, heavy spoon, while blindfolded, each guest must try to put as many cotton balls from one bowl to another as possible within 30 seconds. The results are hilarious!

I did the following for my daughter-in- law.

Go to the store and find as many items as you can use to write a loves story about the couple. I filled a laundry basket with the items which were numbered and as I read the story a helper handed each item to the couple.

ALL Todd could think of when he saw Laura was he could not let another DAWN arrive without asking Laura to marry him. When he saw her it was like a COMET shooting across the sky. She gave him so much JOY with her beautiful IVORY skin and PERT ways. (got the idea?) Have to admit it cost me an arm and a leg, but everyone had fun listening to the story and was a nice break from playing games. If you don't want to spend a fortune on the items yourself you could assign each guest an item to bring and they could present it at the appropriate time. I then presented a copy of the store to the couple.

Congratulations to your sister!

Very good source for game supplies =)

Bring a portable CD player and play various snip-its of love songs. You can break everyone into teams by tables and play "Name That Tune"...

At my shower my mother had all the guests who were married write a tip or words of wisdom for the new couple. It was very sweet.

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