How comfortable are you eating meat when your friend doesn't(dining out)?!


How comfortable are you eating meat when your friend doesn't(dining out)?

Well, my friend and I are total opposite...I usually eat beef/steak and she eats seafood/veggies. She always stares at me and goes, "eat that meat, girl!"Lol.

Eat what you like. Enjoy that steak. Not because you are friends means you both have to eat the same stuff. That's totally inappropriate for her to stare and give you a hard time because of your choice of meal.

Do what you gotta do, cut down when you're with her if it makes you uncomfortable.

It wouldn't bother me. Everyone has his/her own preference. Next time she says that to you, call her fish breath, that oughta do the trick. LOL

I would not change what I ate for anyone, if they did not like it, then that is their problem. I would be just as comfortable eating my steak in front of her as she was eating her seafood in front of me... it could be turned around, and she could be made to feel uncomfortable in front of you... she has her way, you have yours.

I don't feel bad. They choose to not eat meat and if they are my friend I should be unconditional. I don't try to convert them and they don't try to convert me. I seems like you are feeling bad for eating something that is against their principles. Don't worry about it and eat it.

I would be very comfortable eating meat in front of a friend that doesn't because it's my preference. And if she's a friend she would be respectful of your preferences and vice versa!!!

Eat steak if you want to. Her decision not to eat beef is hers alone and certainly not shared by everyone. I wouldn't let her remarks intimidate me. I'd just smile and ask her how her dinner is. Don't let her get to you.

..Don't even worry about it ,,,eat what you like, she doesn't have to eat it ,so what does she care...Enjoy life,,, Life is too short to let others bother you...

Vegans are weird EAT THE BEEF! Does she know that bottom dwellers of the ocean are nasty poop eaters?

I'm a vegetarian so I'll give you an answer from a different perspective. As long as it goes both ways, meaning that you go with her to a vegetarian restaurant from time to time, you shouldn't worry about it. You also shouldn't have to put up with comments from a friend. Cutting meat out of your diet is a personal choice, one most people make if they learn more about what they're eating. Don't mess with it if you're happy, but if you're talking about a good friend, do her the courtesy of looking at a meny to see what's there for her. Not just that something's there, but what it is. Most traditional restaurants have only a couple of vegetarian choices and they're the same couple of things everywhere you go.

She needs to get a grip...besides she isn't that pristine if she eats fish. Joke back with her....let her know she needs more protein because the it's affecting her jokes.


Makes absolutely no difference - I often have a meatless meal and I'm a hearty carnivore!

I eat what I feel like, if I want my meat, I want my meat, she can eat what she wants as long she stays away from my meat.

If she were not eating at all I would say yes but if she is eating what she wants to eat then no...

my best friend in uni was a veggie and i love steak. i was totally comfortable eating meat around her - but then again she didnt try to makee me feel uncomfortable by making childish comments like that

Continue to eat what you what, have you ever asked her why she says that? I would say , okay i will this is soooooo good.

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