What would happen if they actually did make fast food illegal?!


What would happen if they actually did make fast food illegal?

a lot of people that cant cook would starve

All the teens would walk around like zombies screaming ..."fries"...

i would die of starvation i hate to cook

There would be a black market for it.

Id be eating alot more macaroni & cheese

Why would they do that ?

That will never happen.
If it did, that would be a major blow to the food industry and millions of ppl would be left unemployed. AND I'D GO CRAZY!

There would be alot of hungry people out there who would go hungry. lol

We'd burn a lot less gas idling in drive-through lines, and people might actually eat their vegetables.

You would put alot of illegals out of work!
People might actually start having to cook again.
But the people would revolt because of NO more happy meals!

people would go crazy. they would be addicts to fast food. imagine there would be underground selling of fastfoods at extremely high prices and thats why it wouldn happen fastfood its a big part of our economy. so it aint hapenning honey...

The governmental agency that makes fast food illegal, would be doing the entire world a favor.

There is an world wide epidemic, reported by the World Health Organization.

All fast food is destroying the lives of young children and adults with all the associated medical problems that come with being obese from abuse of fast food junk.

This problem is putting a severe financial drain on every world wide health system.

In my professional opinion it is time to ban fast food.

I see these chains no different then the drug dealers.

Clinical Psychiatrist, France

There would be riots in the streets...

there would be alot of criminals in this world

Single men as we no them would cease to exist. Not really but it would probably send the economy into a tail spin. With all the lost jobs and the lost tax money. It would be disastrous.

New York City would be cut of from the USA because they're a bunch of socialists and like having the UN there....oh...probly not, but it's what should happen!

two words - black market

We don't need to make it illegal. In another five years or so there will be major consumer class action litigation against fast food chains in every state, just like with the tobacco companies in the last few years. The cost of fast food will become so high from all the legal fees that people will be forced to eat fresh fruit and vegetables for financial reasons, and the fast food chains will slowly but steadily go out of business....

September 27, 2006

New York City Plans Limits on Restaurants1 Use of Trans Fats


The New York City Board of Health voted unanimously yesterday to move forward with plans to prohibit the city1s 20,000 restaurants from serving food that contains more than a minute amount of artificial trans fats, the chemically modified ingredients considered by doctors and nutritionists to increase the risk of heart disease.

The board, which is authorized to adopt the plan without the consent of any other agency, did not take that step yesterday, but it set in motion a period for written public comments, leading up a public hearing on Oct. 30 and a final vote in December.

Yesterday1s initiative appeared to ensure that the city would eventually take some formal action against artificial trans fats. If approved, the proposal voted on yesterday by the Board of Health would make New York the first large city in the country to strictly limit such fats in restaurants.
Chicago is considering a similar prohibition affecting restaurants with less than $20 million in annual sales.

The New York prohibition would affect the city1s entire restaurant industry, by far the nation1s largest, from McDonald1s to fashionable bistros to street corner takeouts across the five boroughs.

The city would set a limit of a half-gram of artificial trans fats per serving of any menu item, sharply reducing most customers1 intake. The fats are commonly found in baked goods, like doughnuts and cakes, as well as breads and salad dressing.

Officials said that the typical American diet now contains 5.8 grams of trans fats per day, and that a single five-ounce serving of French fries at many restaurants contained 8 grams of trans fats.

Members of the Board of Health, all mayoral appointees, expressed vigorous support for the proposal, which was drafted by the Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene. The board members said that the initiative could set an example for the nation, and that New York City should play a leading role because of its high rate of heart disease and because New Yorkers consume more restaurant meals and takeout food than most Americans.

The proposal met immediate resistance among restaurant owners, who said banning trans fats would raise their costs and change the taste of some items. 3I1m wondering if there are grounds for a lawsuit,2 said E. Charles Hunt, executive vice president of the New York State Restaurant Association, which represents about 3,500 restaurants in the city.

The Board of Health vote comes a year after it conducted an unsuccessful campaign to persuade restaurants to eliminate trans fats from their recipes voluntarily. It said yesterday that despite mass mailings about the hazards of trans fats and training programs for 7,800 restaurant operators, about half the city1s restaurants continued to serve trans fats, about the same as before the campaign.

Trans fats, derived from partially hydrogenated oils, became popular in the 19501s as an alternative to the saturated fats in butter. They allow fast-food restaurants to use frying oil for longer periods and make crunchier cookies and flakier pie crust. They also have a longer shelf life than butter, olive oil, corn oil or other alternatives.

Health officials said yesterday that many healthier alternative cooking ingredients had been developed that would cost little more than trans fats, and have little or no effect on taste.

Lynne D. Richardson, a member of the Board of Health and a professor of emergency medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said yesterday that restaurant owners might still see an advantage in the long shelf life of trans fat products.

3But human life is much more important than shelf life,2 she said. 3I would expect to see fewer people showing up in the emergency room with heart attacks if this policy is enacted.2

If the measure is adopted in December, health officials said, the restrictions would be phased in. Restaurants would be given until July to eliminate oils, margarines and shortening from the recipes that contain more than a half-gram of trans fat per serving.

They would also have until July 2008 to remove all menu items that exceed the new limit, including bread, cakes, chips and salad dressing. The only exclusions from the restrictions would be packaged food items, like candy, that remain in the manufacturers1 original packaging when served, as well as naturally occurring trans fats, which are found in some meats and dairy products.

Health officials said that the regulations would be enforced by restaurant inspectors, who would examine kitchens for products with trans fat, but that there would be no attempt to test prepared foods.

The New York City proposal comes at a time when companies in the packaged food industry, under pressure from health advocates, have reduced the use of trans fats. A recent ruling by the federal Food and Drug Administration requires all food companies to include trans fat levels in labeling information.

Several restaurant chains, including Wendy1s, Starbucks and Subway, have announced efforts to eliminate or sharply reduce trans fats.
McDonald1s, which has not, 3will closely examine the board1s proposal,2 said Walt Riker, a company spokesman.

3Concerning trans fats, McDonald1s knows this is an important issue, which is why we will continue to test in earnest to find ways to further reduce2 their use, he said.

For the Board of Health, the trans fat plan is the latest in a series of regulations that have placed New York City in the forefront of regulating behavior and products1 content in order to benefit public health.

Three years ago, the city banned smoking in restaurants, a measure angrily protested by some restaurant owners, but it led to similar bans in several other cities. Yesterday, health officials compared the restrictions on trans fats to the city1s 1960 prohibition on the use of lead paint, years before it was banned in most of the country.

3Like lead paint, artificial trans fat in food is invisible and dangerous, and it can be replaced,2 said Thomas R. Frieden, the city1s health commissioner, after the Board of Health vote yesterday. 3No one will miss it when it is gone.2

The junk food conspiracy

there would be alot less obesity problems in this nation

It would be chaos and pandemonium. People wouldn't have any companies to blame for making them fat, and they'd have to own up to the fact that it's their fault.

The fat people would take over the prisons and demand fast food at their meals.

There would be a booming black market for the stuff and a lot of people would have withdrawl symptoms.

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