Tell me any food for good sex?!


Tell me any food for good sex?

Please tell me any food any reciepe or any thing that if i eat then i will have my penis eracted for longer period of time and i can make sex or intercourse of atleast for 1 hour and my penis eracts to its maximum and also my semen volume also increases but please tell me natural substances / food that is easily available in the market or can be made at home.

?Uhm, I dont know of a food that will actually do what you are looking for, but chocolate is good for sex, clams (or oysters) are good too. I would say the best thing to do to last longer in bed is to do some kind of extra activity before you have intercourse. For example, you and your spouse plan to eat dinner and have sex afterwards or whatever ( you know that you're having sex later). I would say 2 or three hours prior, masturbate. That way, when you have sex with your spouse, you have a harder erection, last longer, and get that 1 hour ( maybe 2, depends on you and her) that you are trying to achieve.

Ewww! this is a food forum! We don't want to hear about THAT!!!

chocolate is the best...there's natural chemicals in it that boost the part of the Brain that enhances to pleasure sences. works for both men and women. and u can melt it at a low temp too. and have some fun with it.

A pound of fresh mussels and a pound of chocolate...and release the the safety belt.

i guees, i'll say srawberries and whip cream or with chocolate

get a nice dish of seafood ,ceviche is the best, is a dish that they serve at peruvian restaurants.
i did it 5 times in one night and my penis was rock hard. and my load was considerable increased also even my balls got hard that was amazing. go get it and even learn how to do it.
i prepare the dish every weekend is easy and delicious.

viagra stew.

Well, food is not the key to good sex. It's a lot of practice and learning self control so you don't orgasim so quickly. Oysters are said to be an (going to spell this wrong) aphrodesiact. So is chocolate.

Go for the seafood, especially the oysters, clams or mussels
and eat lots of them for at least 2 -3 days including honey and
dates from Middle-East countries. They are supposed to step
up the production of sperms in the scrotum and also encourage
the erection of penis for a good sex.
Remember, these are natural foods and they do not harm the


Green olives are a great aphrodisiac.


the information available here really helped me out alot
this is an all natural program that allows you to grow length and roundness. the techniques have been proven to work, oriental cultures ahve been using these techniques for thousands of years. i tried viagara and all the artificial stuff, but really the best products are all natural. i believe that all viagara does is increase your blood pressure, which can be hazardous to your health... yeah, its only been 2 months and the other day my fiance said "it seems bigger than usual".... wow just to hear her say that is priceless!!!! lol
as far as lasting longer, you must do kegal exercises on a regular basis

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