If Jamie Olivers food is so good for you...?!


If Jamie Olivers food is so good for you...?

then why is he so bloody fat?

doh, thats a fat suit........................

well im quessing youve seen the advert, were hes wearing a fat suit because he isnt fat.


He has turned into a bit of a chubby boy in real life, all that good food. I work in a bookshop and it's funny looking at his books and seeing how he has aged, and got plumper

I dont think he is fat, he seems a healthy weight to me

He isn't fat! He is WEARING a FAT SUIT and he is trying to show what would happen if we all didn't care what we eat and become obese.

i can't stand the guy he so up himself

hes not fat hes hot :)

not all his food is good for you! especially his salads he can't make a salad with about 1/2 pint of oil and a few slabs of cheese! i wouldn't be surprised if he was starting to put on weight, but i don't think he is

he's not fat' he's just well fed

he is way hot and he is helping the schools in England to teach kids how to eat better. Being a parent I thing that is great!

maybe de doesn't eat his food...maybe he just goes to the local pub and drink beer and eat fish and chips till he falls over.

I really don't know, just a made up story.

Cos he eats too much of it!

Too much of a good thing can be bad for you too!

i think Jamie's done wonders for kids food in the uk... but he has become rather round lately... seen him in the flesh and he's definitely put on a bit of weight. Ah well.... enjoy life!

because most of the chefs have to taste dishes before they go to tables.

Well they do say never trust a skinny chef............

i dont think hes fat, i had a dream about him once....

Well apart from the suit - hasn't anyone noticed that as soon as a 'celeb' starts earning money and becomes 'famous' they all start putting on weight. Call me a cynic but 'livin' the good life' comes to mind! Doesn't lie awake at night worrying about where the next few bob are coming from. Will be interesting to see what his kids want to eat in a few years time, eh?

why do you think his food is good

Because its a thing called gluttony!!

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