How do you call the mix between COCAINE and HEROINE?!


How do you call the mix between COCAINE and HEROINE?




When John Belushi died after overdosing on it, it was called speedballing.

A Blizzard ?

It's called a speedball.

How do you call it? You stand on the porch and yell!

its called why do u care? ya want to make one?

HEART ATTACK, if your lucky.

It's called a speed ball and it's like writing your own death certificate. DON'T DO IT!!!!




I thought that was Ecstasy. But I'm not very educated LOL

How? or What? If what, it's called a "Speedball".

PS: Heroin is the drug, heroine is a female hero.

A good F'ing time. Believe me I don't know


why are you asking are you thinking about do it if i were you i wouldnt i mean if you really badly want to die go for it

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