How long does weed stay in your system if you smoke cigarretes?!


How long does weed stay in your system if you smoke cigarretes?

I was told that if you smoke cigarretes, weed will stay longer in your body, is this true? I've stopped smoking weed about 2 months ago but I constantly smoke cigarretes, but I'm getting a drug test and I need to know this before going for other methods.

Smoking should not matter. If you haven't smoked pot for at least 30 days your system should be clean. I passed a test after quitting for a month and I was fine. (Prior to that I smoked every day for years)

thats a dumb question oh wait i got 2 points!

one thing has nothing to do with the other. Weed gets caught in fat cells. Usually 30 days but the heavier you are the longer it takes to get rid of. Also drink lots of water to flush your system

Cigarettes have nothing to do with how long THC stays in your system. It depends on how much and how long you smoked. Two months may not be enough. I smoked fairly steadily for about 30 years and it was still detectable in my system (albeit barely) five months after I quit.

If you haven't smoked in 2 months it should be out. It also depends on your fat cells. That is where it all stores. If your really skinny, then it will be out for sure. If your a little heavier and your worried, drink a lot of cranberry juice, it cleans your system out well and healthy. Hope it all works out.

No relation at all.

I suggest drinking loads of liquids and engaging in sports or any activities to make sweat. This way toxins are all flushed out.

please i know first hand three mts to the day

get the patch or hypnotized. That crap if BAD for you!

medically it takes up to 14 days the least and 30 the max.

actually now in some states they give you a new drug-test, by swabbing the saliva in uur mouth and it can detect it up to 3-months, i know i just had one

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