Party anyone?!


Party anyone?

alright so im turning 15 and wanna have a party, but i'm not sure what to do, any ideas?

First off make sure the people you invite like eachother. That always helps. If you have a pool, totally go for that. Pools are awesom! ((I am 15 too so yeah)) I say go for a lot of music, soda and snacks!

depends where you live.. but if your 15 in like october have a halloween party im 16 and they are still wicked fun so go for it!

invite everyone to the movies...... then celebrate it there.

rollerskatting party

ummm I guess invite all your friends and go out for dinner and go shopping maybe get drunk if you guys drink beer and for more
information go google search..............Have fun girl!

Have a nice cake ice-cream some punch snacks and music maybe go out to eat first or to a movie later or watch one at home! A cookout would be nice to. Happy Birthday!

just wait until your 16 to have the party. There is no milestone event when you turn 15.

Take all your friends to a cool resturant and then go bowling or go karts or something like that.

well don't do anything big for Ur 15 tell parents u wanna have a big party for Ur 16th and then ull get more thing next year cause u didn't get a lot this year. but for this year ask Ur parent to rent s limo and take u and friends to eat then have them let y'all stay in a hotel and u guys can swim and stuff.......i did that for my 13 b-day............good advice Huh

have a costume party if its in october. if its not then you can have a theme party. the theme can be anything. you can make it an arabian nights theme. were you can make a tent in your back yard and have the party there.

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