More than 500 billion of these are served worldwide each year.?!


More than 500 billion of these are served worldwide each year.?

could you please provide proof!!!! if possible

Cups of coffee!!!

More than 500 billion cups of coffee are served worldwide each year.

Two main species of coffee cherries in cultivation yield two kinds of beans, arabica and robusta. More than two-thirds of the world's coffee comes from the arabica bean. The robusta bean is hardier and cheaper to grow, but its taste is considered inferior.

More than half of all Americans over the age of 18 -- 107 million people -- drink coffee daily. On average, U.S. coffee drinkers consume three and a half cups a day apiece.

Scandinavia boasts the highest per-capita coffee consumption in the world. In Finland, people drink more than four cups of coffee a day on average.

Medical researchers associate positive health benefits to moderate coffee consumption, including improved mood and the prevention of gallstone and kidney stone formation.


Of what? What are you talking about?




pizza?sox lojkjkjkjk

Burgers from McDonalds.The proof is they had it posted on their sign for years!!!

Well I can say... That your question has more than 500 billion of possible answers ? sure...

MacDonalds Hamburgers?

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