I just ate a quarter.Is that ok?!


I just ate a quarter.Is that ok?

It was a dare.I got $10.Sweet Deal I believe.

As long as it doesn't come out as two dimes and a nickel!!! You're probably fine. It'll all come out in the end...literally!!!

Sure, but what goes in one way...goes out the other. >_<
I hope you know where that coin has been...=P
Hehe, Good Luck!

if it comes out as two dimes and a nickel, I'd go on the road with that act. you'll make a fortune

Now take your pants off .You will get a candy bar

did u wash it??? that could be poisonous...

but other then that... it should be fine... but personaly, it should have been worth $20

that must have been a funny dare...lol....

Sort of like a savings account too; it will reappear in a day or two.

Yes, I suppose. Although the metal content is too hard to be disolved by you stomach acids, the quarter goes through your intestines and out your digestive system whole. Better watch for it! Wow. Now you got $10.25 for the deal. You better wash it, though. :P

As long as it didn't hurt and you didn't choke it is ok. You just poop it out

actually you got 10.25 if you think about it

Don't know, but if you can pull a newspaper out of your ---
go stand on the corner, who knows how much more $ you could make.

My step-brother ate a nickel when he was young. The doctor told him he had to...um...make sure it came out or they would have to go in and get it. Doesn't sound particularly fun. lol

Your funny. Hopefully you won't have medical problems.

It could cause a bowel obstuction. If you work for a living you could loose time and money and your health. Hope you don't have to have it surgically removed. How old are you anyway?

No problems in time it will pass you by.

That's a clever idea, it never cost you anything but fills you up. The drawback is, you made a deposit without getting an interest. Next time, add a bunch of dimes, nickels, half-dollars, and peanut butter for extra taste. You will have peace of mind your money is safe.

no harm but u have to make sure it doesnt block ya hole on the way out... its been known to happeb

These things don't always come out as expected. You better watch for it. Screen your turds and hope for the best. Keep us informed.

Don't worry. You will poo it out!!

you'll poop it out eventually...it might be a little painful, but you'll survive. That one guy on Jacka$$ put a metal racecar up his butt and then got it x-rayed and he was fine, it was really funny too!

Wow, you get talked into stuff easily. I would have asked for a lot more.

And now I have a question for you.
How small is the circumference of your small intestine? How big is the circumference of a quarter?
Just a thought. Should be easy enough to look up on line.
$10 bucks huh? Wow...

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