Which wine goes best with chicken lasagna?!


Which wine goes best with chicken lasagna?

I'm cooking dinner for someone special and I want everything to go right!

In that case I would go for a Merlot or Chianti, because of the red sauce.


White wine with fish or poultry, and red for red spaghetti sauce. Google recipes and wines.

Go to your local wine shop or gourmet food market and ask the wine specialist.

i prefer lancer's vin rosa

It really depends on the sauce you are using for your lasagna.
If you are using a white sauce (like an alfredo sauce) I would recommend a dry, full-bodied Italian wine, like a Soave.

If you are using a tomato-based sauce I would recommend a lighter-style Italian red, like a Valpolicella.

If this is being made with a red sauce, I would go with a Merlot (Sterling Merlot is nice and not expensive) . And not as heavy as a Cabernet.

White wine

I am partial to Red Wines and I believe you cannot go wrong with either A Cabernet Sauvenon or a Cabernet Sauvenon Merlot Blend

The Ragin Cajun said something to me that always stuck with me: "People always tawkin' 'bout 'Red wine wit' meat whi' wine wit fish...' I say that fish he dead! He don' care what kinda wine yo gon' be drinkin' wit 'em." (You have to imagine a heavy creole accent)
That said, the best advice I can give is find a wine you like, but it should not be a full bodied wine like a cab or a shiraz. Chicken and pasta are both too light to compete with them. Even merlot would not be a good accent for it. You could go with a pinot grigio (white) or even a pinot noir (red). If you absolutely HAVE to stick to standards, the grigio would be the way to go... or maybe a white bordeaux, but you will have to sample a few to find the one you like to accompany the dish... Remember price doesn't mean it will taste good with the dish.

It used to really matter in the gourmet world. Nowadays you can pretty much serve what you and your guest prefer. My preference would be a red, but it would also depend on what you are serving with it. Which type of salad, bread, and dessert. You could start with a white with caesar salad, then go into a red with the entree, and finish with a nice port to compliment your dessert: tiramisu or apple torte. Whichever, find out what you and your friends like, then serve it! Have fun!

Chianti ,of course! That's Italian!

Easy---Dom Perignon!

A nice Shiraz… south african is good.

Because it is Chicken I would serve a light, fruity white wine like a White Zin...Don't go red because it will be too heavy bodied for the chicken dish. I wouldn't go to an Italian wine at all..and stay far, far away from anyting dry. Ask your local wine merchant for a good white zin.

Easy diemartel...you might pop a vessel

Garlic Breads and Mashed Potate (>*<)

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