Do you like your muffin buttered?!


Do you like your muffin buttered?

Just curious. Real butter or oleo? Just killing time until the whistle sounds...

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9 months ago
Who dares to give me thumbs down?

9 months ago
Who dares to give me thumbs down?

Is that a euphemism for something sexual? Maybe it's just me but it sure sounds like it! And in that case, hell yeah, actually, I love to butter her muffin!
If not, I like my muffin toasted and buttered, just say no to oleo!

Nope... :) Just like em how they are.. blueberry's the best to me

Butter of course. Can't stand that fake stuff.

real butter and jam and cream for something special

Depends on what kind of muffin. Carrot muffin, blueberry or bran, yes I like butter on them. Chocolate chip, no. My best friend likes butter on chocolate chip though, to each his own...


Warm muffin with cold real butter!


ummm i like it with that I can't believe it's not butter stuff, but not too much, i put too much on a muffin once and about gagged on it. gross!

Margarine, not butter, like honey with it on muffins

yes very much.. cream cheese.. better

butter of course

yes please

yep with country time

Muffins+butter=yummy in my tummy.

Real butter, anyday..

Oh is my favorite with real

No, I like mine au natural, baby!


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