Suitable music for an Italian-themed party?!


Suitable music for an Italian-themed party?

I'm hosting an Italian-themed dinner party tomorrow night and I'm trying to find some suitable music - i.e. something like they'd play in an Italian restaurant. I have the Godfather soundtrack but it's a bit grim! Any other ideas?

You can play classical music. Or maybe Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin music. "Rat Pack" type music. If you could find it, maybe the "Moonstruck" soundtrack.

Try the soundtrack to the Godfather series or any Rosini operas, you can find the music only instead of the librettos. Another classic is Vivaldi. If you want something more casual, try Dean Martin, bit cheesy though.

Go to a party store (they usually have CD's of different types of music) or to a Coconuts or other large music store. There is a whole section of music like that... Irish jig music... Mardi Gras music... Hawaiian music for luaus... and I know they have Italian music like you're talking about because we have a CD just like that... for theme night :)

Sinatra is popular too... but for the restaurant style music you're talking about... just hit a music/record store :)

CLASSICAL ITALIAN and there are a lot to choose from

Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Andrea Bocelli

Look for Deanna Martin (Dean's daughter). Her new albalm is great. Combine her with Dean and Frank and you've got a winner. You can find something called "Mob Hits", all great Italian songs for a party, lot's of fun. Also, Connie Francis, Lou Monte, Louie Prima, Bobby Darin. Also, The Soprano's sound tracks.

Have fun!

Theme from "Fiddler On The Roof"

Honest, no one will notice.

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