I need some info on some restaurant / 10 ponits?!


I need some info on some restaurant / 10 ponits?

i wanna take my dad out to eat for his b-day s but i have no idea
wear i would like to take him some where where they have entretemant, not too fancy
plz give me some ideas
thank for ur time!

Where do you folks live?
Ok here are some suggestions without that info. Try a comedy club. We have one here where you can eat and see 3 or 4 comedians in one place. When we go we plan on being there 2 to 3 hours. Our comedy club here is fairly laid back and not fancy. A blue jean kind of place.
Damons can be fun. The one we when to had large tv screens with this triva game you play by answering the questions. It was ok but a little pricey.
Ok now some of my suggestions may seem a little out there I will admit but think about it for a minute. It would be something different for both of you. They would be about spending time together and having fun.
Have you thought about taking dad to a local zoo or petting zoo? Walk around, see the animals, and have a bite to eat at the cafe. Ok kind of corny but it will build memories for the two of you. Our local zoo has a dolphin show that is a lot of fun.
What about going to an garden / park and taking a picnic lunch? You could make the lunch or pick something up at your local grocery or deli.
What about going to a musuem that you both will enjoy. Then stopping by the local deli.
If you live in a large city, go walking downtown and people watch. Grab lunch from a street vendor.
Take him to a inside mall if it is too cold to people watch. Again grab lunch from the vendors.
Take him to a movie you both would enjoy. Lunch can be from the snack counter.
Go to a drive in theater. Get there early & grill out. Also take chairs and blankets.
Invite some of his old friends and distant family over he does not see very often. Have lunch already made or carry out. Sit around with them and listen to their old stories of each other. Don't invite too many people or it will be chaos. Make it small and fun
Ok I am going to stop now. I planned to stop 2 or 3 suggestions ago but kept coming up with more.
The important thing is you pick out what you think the two of you will enjoy the most. And have a great day with your dad.
Wait I've got another one.
Take him bowling and eat at the lounge
Take him putt putting and grab a sandwich at McD's
Try a small jazz or blues club.
What about taking him to a small/decent night club on a night when they have a band. Maybe a swing or big band club.

email me and let me know where you are from, i will find out what would be the best for the birthday bash.

where do you live?

Forget the entertainment unless you have a dinner theatre in your area. If you do, then do this. Otherwise, take him to someplace good but not terribly expensive, e.g., Carrabbas, Applebees, Ruby Tuesday's, Maccaroni Grille. Have fun!

Remember the tip. Total of bill before tax is what you figure the tip on. 20% if excellent service. 15% if average.

i would say cicis pizza all you can eat but that would be too little, then i would say golden coral but that would be too much, co maybe you should take him too a chinese resturant they have some good food, and its cheap!

What is dad's favorite food? Do you have to take him out? Why not cook a dinner for him at home.Buy a birthday cake or bake one.Play some of his favorite music,for background.Rent a movie something he will enjoy. I think that dad would love that more then being take out somewhere and spending any money on him that way..If you feel like you have to take out ask one of your friends where it would be fun to take him to in your area.The point is its dad's day right?

Since I don't know where your from, this is just an idea. Can you make it a whole day with your dad? If you can do this I think it's something you would both remember fondly. Instead of dinner, how about lunch at a small cafe. Something a little more elegant but you'll find it a lot more affordable than Dinner out. Take a camara with you so that you can get a picture of you and your dad together. The waiter will be happy to take it for you. Be sure they know it's his birthday, they will come out and sing to him. You take pictures of that. After lunch a walk is perfect(if he can walk) If you have a beautiful park or a waterfront area that would be awesome. Again, have someone take pictures of the two of you and get pictures yourself randomly through the day. If your dad enjoys reading a bookstore with a nice little coffee shop and desserts in it. If you haven't already purchased him something, then buy him a book he really shows interest in or music. After that, take him home with you and enjoy his company as you prepare his favorite meal. That way hours go between your lunch and coffee shop stop. You'll be hungry again. You'll have the wonderful day with your dad, just the two of you and in the end, you can get the pictures developed and put them into a small album and give them to him later. A fond memory of great day out with you. It will cost you for lunch and a coffee and dessert if you chose, then whatever groceries you purchase. Dinner alone can run you that much and it's over in a couple of hours time. It's just a thought for you. I don't know all the variables, like maybe you have a family that needs to be involved for example. Best wishes to you whatever you decide. Happy birthday to dad.

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