In america can i get breakfast ..supper...tea..and snacks.?!


In america can i get breakfast ..supper...tea..and snacks.?

no we dont beleive in food here, we eat rocks

of coarse

At most Salvation Armies you can get that plus used clothes and furniture!

Of course u can.just about anywhere..

You can get whatever you want in America. You just have to pay for it.

Yes there are many resturants here in america were you can get breafast, supper tea and snacks. Like the waffles houses, shoneys and ryans etc. so go for it.
Shoney resturant have the best breakfest

Yes, but it wont be free.


yes it's the most imporant meal of the day... sure supper is good also... tea is great and yes on that and yes on snacks but watch that snacking...

Sure you can...haven't you seen on the news that America is the most fat nation in the world?


doh yes

Im not sure why you are asking but yes you can.

No, we actually do not eat at all in the US. The "obesity problem" is a myth perpetrated by the jealous French media to make us look bad. We're actually all terribly slender. Oh, and devastatingly good-looking, as well.

LOL@some of these answers.

As someone else said, you can get whatever you want in America as long as you have the cash.

Why----can't you get them where YOU are?
No wonder you want to come here......

yess of course


ummm...DUH! lol yes u can

yes indeed the tea might not be what you are used to but we have tea you might like

You can get anything you desire anytime of the day !!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh life is good in America !!

There is no tea meal as there is in England. Only the drink is available and you better hope you make it yourself. Most American restaurants do not make or serve good tea. For one thing, they do not know how to boil water for it.

Anything else; yes is available.

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