I'm cooking a chicken curry for 50 people, how many chicken breasts will I need?!


I'm cooking a chicken curry for 50 people, how many chicken breasts will I need?

The curry is to be served in small bowls along with rice and there will be other food available

work per portion or per scoop!put two persons per scoop or 1 person per breast

wow 50!!! good luck id get about 30 breasts

I agree at least 100 depending on what other sides will be served.


I would say 25 - 30 as chicken goes a long way in a curry. Once you add the extras i think that would be plenty.
Good luck x

One breast per person is plenty since you have rice and other food also. This is assuming you are leaving the meat on the bone. If you are doing boneless breasts you can get away with about 30 - 40 breasts.

Half a pound per person!!!!!! Its worked for me for years!!!!!!

use cat

1 each for a small bowl - and an extra 10 incase you spill or need to give seconds.

so 60

If you are cutting the breat into smaller pieces, then you only need about 20 especailly since you have other cook too.

You'll be cubing the chicken I assume. Considering that additional food will be there. I'd go with twenty five if there are no other entrees. Twenty if there are. Good luck.

i would say get at least 100 because if you know what you're doing they're going to want more and that way you'll have left overs and turn the left overs into another kind of dish. Dont worry about cost because Sam's Club sell the bulk for cheap.

35 should be plenty.

Well, you should always make more than you need just in case. I would say at least 30 - 50.

I'd normally say 1 per person, plus few extra. But this will diced up in another dish. And other food items. I'd go with 25-30.

There are two ways you can go here: If you are looking for the less expensiver route than you can purchase 25 butterflied chicken breasts. This will meet your 50 breast total. However each breast will way about 3/4 pound to 1 pound each - you will need to rely on serving larger portions of your side dishes. If you have a slightly higher budget than you can serve individual whole boneless breasts (1 large or two small breasts per person) It is more costly but makes a prettier presentation. However to go that route will be double the cost of the split butterflied route.

Here are some other hints that you may not have thought of: Most suppermarkets these days have large bags of frozen chicken breasts (about 7-8 per pack) that run about $7.99 per package. Now these are perfectly fine but do contain a small percentage of rib meat to make them less expensive but you can't tell the difference (only your wallet can). So 7 packs of these breasts will serve your party of 50 and only run you about 56 dollars. Or have you thought of buying about 20 pounds of chicken stirfry meat? It comes ready trimmed in your grocers meat case and you can still prepare it curry style. This way you can serve up the stirfried curry chicken and ration it out as you see fit. It looks beautiful on a plate served over either white or saffron rice.

Hope this Helps and Good Luck with your party!

Depends on the size of chicken breast. A pretty standard restaurant portion is 4/5 oz for a meal, with sides. If you are offering other foods and rice, consider 2/3 oz per person. The other thing is will you cut up the chicken or serve in one piece? If one piece use 1/2 a breast per person, but you will have to check the size of breast.
Good luck.

20 medum sized chicken breasts. if there is other food and you are serving it in small bowls then that should be enough.

I think 20 would be plenty.

Quite a lot, but if it's in a curry, perhaps not so much. I'd say 8oz per person. Most curry recipes allow 1lb of meat in a curry for 2 people, so get your chicken breasts weighed. If you want to know by breast, then I would allow one per person.

depends how tight or generous you are!! my guess about 15...good luck..rather you than me x

Boneless chicken; good measure is approx. 1/2 lb per person which is approx 1/4 kilo. I'd say 30 would be MORE than enough as they are being diced for the curry.

Curried chicken Yummy. Do 1each so 50 breasts should do it with 10 extra. So 60 total.

In the 90s. I'm not sure how much curry you're making

No less than 30, but no more than 50

Easy. Just figure out how many you wuold like to serve each person. Or you can decide how many pounds of chicken you would like to serve each person. For example, if you'd like to have approximately 1/4 lb. each just buy 12.5 pounds of chicken breast. You'll save money using some thighs too and improve flavor. Hope I helped!

For curry the usual amount is 1 1/2 llb for 4 portions,but if there is veg in the curry or other stuff you would need only 1llb for 4 people.For that many people you will likely have sides and bread and stuff so i would say allow 1llb for 4 people = 12.5llb.

All the best.I'm sure you will have a great time,i love cooking curries for loads of people.

Zero. Chicken breast will be very dry and chewy. Far better to use chicken thighs - one per person.

about 65-70 but chicken breast is so expensive id say ur better off going to a buthcher and buying skinless baby chicken cut small and at least serve it with salad

Between 30 - 40 I think. Good luck!

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