Bohemian themed info on the culture, or ideas for the party?!


Bohemian themed info on the culture, or ideas for the party?

I need anything you on food, activities, music. btw: Its a bday party im havin and its only my tightest girlfriends and I. I'm doin henna tattoos and blinged out mirrors for our lockers. Were actually gettin silly with gold (+) silky drapes, a funky back drop, cute gems, tiaras, genie tops, glitzy nail polish and serious shiny all over bronzer for hot "themed glamour shots" readin tarrot know, but i REALLY need help...anything you got....please!

Well bohemian means carefree,spontaneous.Especiall... gypsy type clothes and fast rythmic music.Tarot cards,fortune telling are good ideas.But gaiety,laughter and loudness is what it's all about

Wow! I really like the whole Bohemian themed party idea! You know how its kinda bohemian to have scarves on you head and stuff?... u should get plain scarves and decorate them really sweetish!!!!!

serve very earthy food such as tabouli and salads and tofu

I would provide rhythm instruments for you all to play along with your music - drums, tamborines, castanets, bongos. Make jingle bell anklets for everyone - and get a CD of bellydancing music. Practice your belly dancing moves.

Also, you got to have incense burning - something like patchouli or sandlewood or jasmine.

You could have body painting with black light paint would be fun and very bohemian. Again - do this and then dance under the black light.

Get the jeweled bindis for your foreheads.

Yes decorate it very nicely and the henna is a perfect pick ! Get some great henna designs and go at it. Here are some free henna designs at

You should upload picks on flickr as as well. I am sure everyone would love to see the results. let us know.


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