Does anyone know of any party games?!


Does anyone know of any party games?

Exchange a gift party.
When you invite your guests announce to them that they are to go into their attacks or basements and find something that is a really imaginative item that they have no problem parting with. Believe me, everyone has something that somehow they own and would have no problem canning it!
Tell them to carefully wrap it and bring it with them to the party-one mystery gift per guest.

Have your guests place the gifts under the tree upon their arrival and proceed to the kitchen,den ,or any other part of your home to first eat ,drink ,and be merry for a couple of hours.
As your guests are enjoying themselves take it upon yourself to count all the gifts under the tree. Then on seperate small pieces of paper number each one starting with one ,two,three,....until you have a total number to equal the gifts that you have counted.
Place the numbered pieces of paper in a bowl and have each of your guests take one piece of paper with a number on it.
Don't let too much time lapse after you have handed the numbers out before you make the announcement that everyone is to meet by the Christmas tree for gift receiving.

When everyone is there start with the person who has number one and have them take one wrapped gift from under the tree.
They are to unwrap the gift for all to see what they received.
Watch what happens....
Next your guest with paper number two goes and gets their choice of which gift under the tree that they want, NOW things start to get more interesting... Guest number two has a choice...they can either open the gift that they are holding or exchange it for the gift that guest number one has . About this time the room will start to rumble with laughter !
Now it's time for guest three...after they have their gift chosen they can open it or exchange for any of the other opened gifts that the other guests have.
Between the zany kinds of items being unwrapped to the way your guests will carry on it makes for an unforgettable event !

we play spoons with the cards its quick paced and then balderdash is alot of laughs

spin the bottle
suck n blow
pin the condom on ya ***
30 seconds of heaven

i just did a search on the same topic for my party and i found a few ideas.....Dirty Minds (its not really dirty at all), Gender Gap. loaded questions....i also found a drinking game if your into that...ultimate rock paper scissors, and a cell phone contact drinking game? I have a 6 player electronic Texas hold 'em tournament going for those who aren't board game oriented and don't wish to talk other than to yell random curses when they lose a hand.
I end my christmas party each year with dirty santa...i purchase my gifts from the everything's a dollar store and i get things like feather dusters, gi joe's, car magnets, a dog toy (last year it was THE item most taken away) anyway simply cheesy crap that for some reason stokes everyones fire. (two years ago the toy cop was a hit..hmm

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