Do you like CandyCane cake?!


Do you like CandyCane cake?

Never had it . but mmmmmmmmmm it sounds yummy!! send me the recipe via email (if u have it ) *smile*

I never herd of it until know.I know I love candy canes.

Tell us what it is

I've never had candy cane cake, but I'm going to go look it up, it sounds interesting. It might be yummy...

It has it's merits, but is more aimed at pleasing children's palates, rather than adults.

whats that??
candy cane chips in a cake
sounds yummy though
if you have a recipe for that could you let me know
I would really want to try it

never tried it but it sounds good

Never heard of it. Is it any good?

ive never had it but would love to try it!! can i get the recipe im a BAKER and i love experimenting!!

never tried it, but would love to!!

mm.. I only like the ones made from "Crush"
If you don't know what Crush is, it's a drink.
The candy cane is made sweet with a pop taste.

Never had it but it sounds yummy.

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