What are good after dinner games to play at christmas?!


What are good after dinner games to play at christmas?

I need to figure out some good games to play after christmas dinner. It needs to be a game for all ages (10-72), and entertaining for a whole group and good for a laugh. Something like charades, but not charades because that is overdone.

maybe something that was under the tree.

monopoly, wheel of fortune, spades

why not share in memories of past christmas like funny things, weird things.etc...

go to amazon.com and get the game Catch Phrase..that is the most fun game ive ever played..read about it..its only about $25. but its definately worth it..good luck..and if you get it, have fun..

quarter bounce!

Crazy Eights
and family games to test your musical knowledge and to get your guests laughing with each other. Spot the Intro is a great favourite, where you have to try to identify a famous song from just the first line or two. Amazing how difficult some of those can be, even if the songs are really popular and memorable. Infuriating but great fun, and all the family can join in.

Pictionary is good but timed....we play balderdash and the sillier the answer the better and more believable. We also split the groups up and some play scrabble and some play yatzee.

If you want to purchase a boxed game some of our families favorite party games are Taboo, Mad Gab, and Cranium. If you are not looking to purchase a prepackaged game, I have a couple of suggestions. 1) What's In The Stocking? - Fill a large Christmas stocking with 20 - 25 small items and have everyone pass it around. They can only look at if for two minutes each. Then pass around paper and pens and see who can remember the most items without looking again. Whomever gets the most right gets the stocking. 2) Goofy Gift Exchange - Have everyone bring a small wrapped gift (we usually set a limit of $5 or $10). Then, have everyone draw a number and based on their number people pick a package. (#1 picks first, then #2, etc.) Here's where it gets goofy. When it is your turn, you can either draw a package from the pile or take someone else's package. You can decide which rules you want to play with...sometimes we only let a gift be "stolen" twice, sometimes it can be stolen over and over, but the gifts are never opened until all the numbers have picked. I know that some people open the gifts first and then give the option to "steal", but that takes some of the fun out of it in terms of guessing what might be in the package. (When our family plays this with company, we always buy a couple of extra gifts in case someone forgets to bring theirs.)

White Elephant, its fun for all. This game has been around for ever. I have not got time to explain it in type, ask around its easy and fun.

every year we have every one bye a $20. gift, we pick cards to see who goes first on picking the wrapped gifts with no names on them.
so if your 3rd down the line and you want someones gift that is already opened instead of picking from the pile you can steel there gift and the other person picks a new gift or steels as well...this game last a long time and is so much fun for all.
hope i explained it enough..merry x-mas and have fun!

Uno. We have the best fun with it and you can use several decks as needed.

get a few decks of cards good rule for every 4 people one deck an let people play what ever they want trust me it gets fun when u got 10 11 year old teaching others games they know an have older people teach older games to the kids. also go to walmart an pick up a few puzzles an divide people into teams an let them solve them . charades is also good

It'scalled the ornament game,and it's a blast.this is how we play.first every one at your house needs to buy a ornament,whatever the buyer chooses,then we draw numbers to see who goes first,now the first person chooses a wrapped gift ornament, (wrap all the ornaments).if first person doen't like that one he passes it to the next person,(after every one gets a number follow suit)then he gets to pick another gift,but it goes to the next person and the same procedure,after you get so far and others have ornaments you can take thiers and give them yours,it goes like that and it really is good fun. let me add when someone takes your ornament you get to choose another from the wrapped ones or take someone elses

hmm well theres always the game of Life? or maybe Baulderdash (maybe thats too adult ). You could play twister but that might get the kids to riled up, and we all hate monopoly lol. oh i know!!! an excellent game anyone can play and its lots of fun... CLUE

There is a game that came out a few years back called,"Fact or Crap". You can find it in most stores. What you do is give each player a paddle that says Fact of Crap on one side or the other. Then a question is read and you have to decide whether it is Fact or Crap(not true) by holding up the paddle. . Lot's of fun and all ages can play.

Try these two, and both are absolutely free!
1) What Does It Mean?
You will need a dictionary, and paper/pencil for everyone. The leader should randomly open the dictionary, choose a word and announce it to the group. Everyone will write what they believe is the meaning for that word. They should try to sound "bookish", not lame or silly. When everyone has finished their "definition", all of them are read out loud and voted which one everyone thinks is right. (The leader should write the REAL definition, and include reading it aloud.) You will be amazed at several things: how many weird words are in a dictionary; how few people know any of the meanings; how creative & clever some people can be; how often your group will vote on the WRONG definition!! :))
2) Where Were You When....?
This simple, open-ended "game" is easy and fun! Just choose any well-know event, and ask "where were you when this happened?" Mix in both real and non-real events for lots of fun, like this:
Where were you when Kennedy(or MLK, or Anwar Sadat, or any famous figure) was shot? (answer: in my 4th grade gym class:)
Where were you when "Dallas" revealed who shot JR? (sitting on the couch staring at the tv, to see who did it!!)
Your friends and family will come up with other questions, and it's really a lot of fun, as well as getting to know each other better, if you have new family members.

how about jeopardy but the questions are based on the family? I think that would be fun and specifically unique to your family, bingo, pictionary, taboo (great game and you can have bigger teams) telephone. Those are the ones I can think of

Balderdash is hilarious. So is Cranium.

trivia pursuit 80's or 90's version

spades, bidwhisk, taboo, monopoly, playstation, name that tune, strip poker


a gang bang!

we bought the board game Pictionary, and it is always a complete hit.

If you are playing with youger people it is a good idea to have someone available to explain the words, or you may have to have the option of allowing them to exchange the card for one they know.



Cranium!!! It is a blast!!!

Pin the tail on the reindeer.

Drawings; One person makes a weird drawing on a big piece of paper or cardboard and the other have to figure out what it is. May be cool to add categories for the drawings, and candy prieces. Besides Everyone can say sit down while the food settles in the stomachs. :)

scattegories,uno, and i love pictionary

Who am I?
*Place the name of celebs on paper and tape the paper on a persons back. The person gets to ask yes or no questions to figure out who they are. A variation is to have people wear the celeb name all day and others have to act as if the celeb is the one they are talking to. For example if the celeb name was Tom Cruise others in the party would talk to 'him' and maybe ask how the wedding was or did you like Italy.

Trivial Pursuit is coming out with an 80's. You can play teams if there are having a large group.

You can make up your own general questions about life and everyone can answer. This is great with broad age groups because you get some family history. Question examples are "Who was your first kiss" or "What was the first dinner you burned", find questions that will give opportunity for good family stories.

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