HELP: Should I work at hooters ?!


HELP: Should I work at hooters ?

I am in my fourth year of college and will be going to medical school next year, but I just got fired from my job a week ago because they are closing and now I really need a job, so my friend who works at hooters told me I should apply at hooters because they have a couple job openings and the job pays well.

-So do you think I should ?
-Have you ever worked there ?
-And, do the guys there keep there hands to themselves ?
-Also I am in shape (118 pounds 5'7) but I don't have huge boobs(B) do you think they would still hire me ?

Well, there you do not start as a waitress. You start as a hostess and work up to be a waitress.
I have not worked there, but know a few girls that have.
The guys are tame. And there is a big guy that usually is on duty at all times in case someone is not.
B cup is fine, and the girls there will probably teach you tricks to make them look even larger.

You need money, it is a job, and a well paying one from tips if you get good shifts.
I say if you are confident and have a good personality, do it!

You only live once!
Just think, it will be a great story to tell someday...
Plus, if you ever quit, sell your uniform on Ebay for a nice extra amount of money...

Hooters is a family restaurant and many Law and Med Students have worked there that I have known... People will always tell you it is a bad place, but unless they worked there, not sure I would really care to listen to them...

We dont have hooters in the Uk. but isn't it kind of degrating being treated like a piece of meat? At least try applying for another type of job.

Yes you should work at hooters. I've ate there many times and there is nothing demeaning about the job. It's not a strip club it's a restuarant.

I don't see why not. It's a respectable job that pays well.

I work at Hooters, it is not a bad place to work and yes the guys do keep there hands to thereselves I had fun working there and if you do a ggod job you will make good money. You also dont need to have big boobs just a good personality. They also have a flexable schedule

You are not large enough.


I woudn't work at Hooters...

If you like guys touching you and wearing mini shorts and tight clothes then go for it.

A med student should do something more decent

Most girls at hooters are moderately sized and just wear a push up for emphasis to increase tips. It's not like a strip bar and the guys are mostly OK - like any place you'll get the occasionally grabber - but management will usually "invite them to leave" it is a place of business. If it will help you make the money and the hours work - why not. It can be fun and if you fell degraded - quit. I have waitressed at many types of places - my personal fave was a weird little biker club in Canoga park - OK money but great tips and the guys even helped me fix my car. It's all in how you act - act scared and skittish or trashy and flirty and it will be bad - be confident and get the job done you will be respected.

The whole idea of Hooters is for looking but not touching. I really do not like the place but have been taken there by business colleagues and observed that eyes stare but hands keep to their owners.

I also observed that it is less breast size that matters but more how breasts can be uplifted and pushed out sharply under a Hooters shirt by bras designed and tightened to do so.

PS: Smaller breasts are more beautiful, anyway. Don't be self-conscious.

I have ate there before and I don't think it's what everyone puts it out to be. I actually went there with my family. It isn't a strip club. The most you see is cleavage and you see that everywhere.

They got the best wings ever.

Apply for the job, you can't get touched by other people.

Good Luck.

Work at Hooters, nothing wrong with that. If you like the waitressing, try moving on from there to more upscale establishments, tips should be better.

I have a friend who works at Hooters and she says it is actually quite fun. The guys keep their hands to themselves and the tips are usually great. You don't need to have big boobs you just need to have a big personality.

Otherwise, it's really just like any other restaurant. It has a theme, food, bar, and people come in just trying to experience the atmosphere while they hang out.

You're in your 4th year of college and you have to ask?

If you need a job immediately then go for it..... you don't have to make a career out of it. You can also keep the job search active. From the questions you ask and your description of the job and your situation it sounds like you'll fit right in!

Do you WANT to work there? If so, then go for it! If you don't like it, you can always quit and find a new job.

I haven't worked there, but I have had many friends who worked at Hooters. It's really not that big a deal. People act like it's some strip club (which also isn't a big deal!). It's just a typical waitressing job...only you're doing it in short-shorts and a tight top. =P My friends who have worked there have loved it...GREAT tips! And if the guys don't keep their hands to themselves, you REPORT them to your manager and they will definitely be kicked out.

Also, your boob size doesn't have anything to do with getting hired. Hooters is hooters, a perky B is JUST as sexy as a DD...and they don't sag. =P I was a 34B before I had my daughter (I'm now bigger, as pregnancy will do that to yah), but back when I was a perky B, I OFTEN got job offers to work there with my friends. And I used to work as a stripper/"exotic dancer" small boobs were never a problem.

So, Good Luck and have fun!

No, I don't think you should work at Hooters. I think it is very demeaning and shows lack of morals. I have never worked there but all of the guys that I know only go to stare at girls' boobs. I don't think you need big boobs to work there. You walk in and sit down in the bar stools and your face in exactly the right height to be in your waitress' boobs. Is that where you want your tip to come from?

I don't want to sound shallow...but I know I am going to...but I have one question for you?

Are you hot?

Why I ask (beyond the obvious) is that when I was in grad school one of my female friends starting working there because of the flexible scheduling and she was very attractive, great body, had a great personality, very friendly and she made around $150-$200 a night in tips and convinced another one of our female friends in the program to work there as well.

The other girl was very, very nice...but was slightly overweight...and not in a curvy way (more pear shaped) wasn't not incredibly attractive and long story short she was lucky to make $100 a night and the management never gave her the big tables where the money usually was...she typically got a lot of 2-person tables. She quit out of frustration.

Look...the wings there are not bad...the beer is cold and they usually have a number of TVs if you want to watch lots of sports...but bottom a male...I can tell you...if the girls wore nun habits...the place would be a ghost town...thus if you are not hot...I can't recommend you work there because bottom line, the guys are their for beer, wings, sports and T&A and they will pay for it.

Hooters is a clean, respectable restaraunt, they just have a "Sexy" image because of the waitress uniforms. It is a good job, and even though you may not be heavily endowed, as long as you have a people personality you should do well and make good tips.

I'm guessing from your question, when you say job openings, you mean as waitress or bartender etc.

For your questions, no one here can give you a proper answer. But you'll get a lot of opinions because of the subjective nature of your questions.

That said, Here's my opinion - It depends. I think there's nothing wrong in making a honest living, working as a waitress in Hooters, if you are not uncomfortable with the uniform. Personally, I would not like to see my family or friends working in such clothes.

I'm sure the restaurant management will make sure you are not in harm's way. Make sure you check their website to see their latest employment policies. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.

Well hell yes.I have never worked there but have been there and the guys don't do anymore then look. And the bigger the boobs the better your tips would be .Go for it! not every girl is pretty enough so I would say it is a honer.......

Hooter's is a very respectable place so don't worry about that. Been there a bunch of times and no one has ever been out of hand or obscene.

its totally kewl. and its all in your personality, not in your breasts anyway. a big smile and attention to who orders what will get a generous 25% or more tip out of me, and I don't care what you look like. and keep the drinks filled! :-)

i don't konw what hooter is........................
it's up to you if you deal to that, it's your choice anyway!

Go for it. HOOTERS has good food, the wait staff is good looking and well trained. Yes the guys will look but dinner hours bring in families. Huge boobs are not required but at 118 and 5'7" your legs will be appreciated.

I say try it. If it's not for you, then tell them so and resign.

At the age of 48, I often wish I'd done fun stuff like that when I was young and cute enough. Maybe they didn;t have Hooters back then, but there were plenty of places like it....

Only if YOU want!!
Don't know, but usually
Don't know

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