Does anyone have any cool ideas for a high school graduation party?!


Does anyone have any cool ideas for a high school graduation party?

We went to 8-9 grad parties last summer, and we want my daughter's party to be different. I have a few ideas but could use some help. thanks.

Have everyone bring something to place in a time capsule to be opened at their 10-year reunion. Have them each write a letter to themselves that they can read in 10 years.

Do a gift exchange--everyone bring a wrapped gift, something another person could use in college.

Do a photo scavenger hunt--divide people into groups and give them a list of things they have to go out and photograph. After all the teams return, download the pics and show them during the rest of the party in a slideshow. Make the list of things to photograph things from/about school (photo of your group with one of your teachers, photo of your group spelling out the school initials, photo of someone in your group dressing a statue in a graduation cap/gown, draw your school mascot on the ground with sidewalk chalk and photograph it, etc.)

Make a poster with your party menu on it. Make your menu themed according to the school--so you might have "Panther Burgers," or "Spartan Spaghetti," etc.

Have fun!
Have fun!

A surprise party. Whoever is graduating will come home all dark and then somebody turns the lights on and everybody says "ITS YOUR BIG DAY"

how about a simple bbq with ribs bbq chicken burgers with white cheddar and bun how about hot dogs corn on cob tossed salad german potato salad pasta salad baked beans with bacon chips dips dorritos popcorn cheese doodles prezels
grilled potatoes grilled fish steaks
and ice cream sheet cake with her name and congradulations

The best party we had was a Casino Party. We were all given play money when we got to the party and there were several casino games we could play to earn more money (poker, roulette, craps table...).

It's great if some of the adults who are there to chaparone can act a dealers and teach the kids the correct rules of the games. Also by getting some of the parents to do this they can interact with the kids in a good way and the kids don't feel like they are being "watched".

At the end of the night there can be prized for most play money won (or lost). Or the can use the prize money to buy raffle tickets or bid at auction for cool stuf they can use while away at school.

We did this for my grad class and I have helped out with a few of these since then and every time it went over very well.

We had a burning of the golden calf party as a rite of passage.
The kids wrote down a bunch of stuff that were about change, and read them and cast them into a bon fire. Then we roasted marshmallows and hot dogs. :-) it was pretty kewl.

One cool thing my aunt did was hang pictures of my cousin from k-12th grade around the party area...she put stickers representing each grade he was in at the time of the picture on the picture. Everyone thought that was cute!

What about a "Bon voyage" themed party? Or a hawaiian luau themed party?!

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