Son's 9th Birthday/Housewarming Party?!


Son's 9th Birthday/Housewarming Party?

My son's birthday is 2 days after Christmas so he usually gets a small party since everything is so hectic this time of year. But this year, we want to do something special for him. We just moved into a new home a couple weeks ago and haven't had a chance to show it off yet. I want to have a party that is a birthday/housewarming. There will be probably half a dozen kids and a couple dozen adults. I'd like something both kids and adults would like to have, but something different from the big Christmas meals that we will all have 2 days before this. Any ideas for a menu? thanks!

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7 months ago
lol wait guys......i wasnt going to tell anyone that it was a no, this is why im having a big party for him, the whole getting shafted every year thing!! I dont want that!! I wasnt going to have a housewarming at all and thought that i could just invite everyone to his birthday and skip the housewarming. i was just trying to get ideas for things i could do for both adults and kids :)

7 months ago
lol wait guys......i wasnt going to tell anyone that it was a no, this is why im having a big party for him, the whole getting shafted every year thing!! I dont want that!! I wasnt going to have a housewarming at all and thought that i could just invite everyone to his birthday and skip the housewarming. i was just trying to get ideas for things i could do for both adults and kids :)

my Birthday is just after Christmas and I always got shafted. Do your kid a favor and give him a special birhday on his own, don't combine it with your housewarming party.

Food suggestions, you could make pizzas with english muffins and let the kids put their own toppings on, or maybe you could have unique foods and do a survivor theme party that seems to be a big thing with kids lately. I have a 10 year old son and they are really into video games as well , maybe you could have a video game party and set up a bunch of t.v's with differnet systems and just serve pizza nd chips and stuff like that. I have never done a video game party but my son has been to a few and the kids really enjoy them.

personal experiences

big cake

I'd advise against combining the parties. Your son already gets the shaft having a birthday so close to Christmas. Let him have his own special day.

Sorry , no menu suggestions.

Why don't you make the party a "theme" to make it fun and separate the birthday from the holiday. Great for that age is... "rockstar", "pirate" or maybe have everyone dress in something "camo".


pizza is always love it and you have to admit so do adults once in awhile. you could buy it from a pizzeria or you could do a little thing were you buy all the ingredients and the guests could make their own.

but i don't suggest combing the parties...its his birthday let him enjoy it not share it w/ ur house warming party

I don't think you should combine his birthday with ANYTHING. Have your Christmas/Housewarming party first, then later just his birthday.

hey how abt adding cotton candy to the main menu........hmmm bt wat abt the main menu??think think!!!how about some ........i dont know :(

I think it's really sad that you finally decided to do something special for your son's birthday and you are still going to make it about you and your house. Give him an occasion that is all his own. It's his birthday for christsakes! Have your housewarming some other time. It will be another reason to have another celebration.

Yes! Organic vegan raw. Everyone will be so healthy!

i agree.. don't combine the parties

serve food your son likes.. it should be his day

Food wise, since everyone is just finishing up the holidays and filled to the gills, I would keep it light. Maybe some finger sandwiches for the adults and chicken nuggets for the kids. Use chips and pretzels as sides and maybe some of those cocktail weenies wrapped in breading (everyone enjoys those). Serve cupcakes instead of a big cake.

I agree with that combining both events would be tacky. As for foods to serve how about serving a variety of appetizers or as another poster said some finger sandwiches trying to keep it light after the holidays.

I was shafted every year, too. I am a December baby AND my brother's birthday is a week before mine. We had to share parties.
Did you notice that you are making him share his birthday party with a housewarming party? Give him his own party. Wait on the housewarming for another month.

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