When having company over for dinner should i?!


When having company over for dinner should i?

i have friends and family over for dinner very often. i usually let evoryone serve them selves 1st but sometimes they may have a big appetite , i always make alot of food but sometimes my husband and kids are left with pretty much scraps. i wish i could serve my husband and kids first but i dont want to be rude and seem greedy but i feel bad when my kids and hubby dont get fed well , being that he works hisass off to buy this food.what should i do?

serve the food yourself and just ask someone to help you take the plates to the table. if they need more they can have seconds, but you wanna make sure everyone gets the chance to eat including yourself, your husband, and definitely the kids. you know what they say-a hungry man is an angry man

Plate the meal in the kitchen........then bring the plates in to your guests. It works in restaurants for portion control.

if this is the case why don't you serve everyone first so then everyone gets a good plate full then let them refill there own after that , then your hubby will get his share also!

Make more food, set the extra away when they put it on there plate suddenly remember you have more in the kitchen and they will be busy eating what is on there plate.

P.S. This must mean your cooking is great! =)

Really have no choice but to just make more. Or you plate it up for them.

maybe make extra pan of what you make or add another dish with your meal that will give them more of a variety or add dinner rolls and or a salad

when you start passing the food.....you start with one dish and have it go to your right
then you pick up the next dish and have it go to your left........that way it is completely going around the table, so everyone can share

Tell them to be considerate is number one. Simply because you do have a family to feed they should come frist. Don't feel like your being greedy and rude. Its the other way around. An you can just sat aside your husbands food and the kids to make sure they have something to eat as will.

I'd serve your husband first. If the kids are very young, say under 5 or so, I'd have serve them too.


You can save some for your husband and family BEFORE putting out for everybody to see. Then, when all guests get their food you can *refill* the other food for your family.
People are pigs. When I was married I never entertained.

Good luck and have fun. Your husband should be first unless he is totally helping you and doesn't want to sit down yet.

do not put all the food out the first time, then when you husband and kids turn you then bring out the rest of the food and as the others if they would like

you also could say that the kids have school work so that they will go first, then have your husband go with them to help

I agree with plating everything in the kitchen and everyone has the same amount. Then when people's plates are finished you can say I have enough for seconds!

Maybe next time you invite them for dinner, say it's a potluck and that way they have to contribute too. They might get the hint.

clearly my dear, this is upsetting you. i see that you are quite a hostess with the most-est.. must be difficult to try and cater to everyone's needs. you love sharing and giving but, your kindness may have been taken as your weakness...
true, people might think that you're rude to serve your family 1st, because after all, you and your family are the ones that invite them over. so, while it's nice to have friends and relatives over frequently, you should by now have realised that there are certain things that you need to do differently.
like all the rest of the answers, i say plating seems to be a favourite and 2nd helpings would be given moderately in order for everyone to enjoy the privilege. the other thing is, you must be either a great cook as to no wonder others are leaving your family with scraps or... as like any other human bein, as cruel as it may sound to be, freebies of any kind are always welcome.... good luck in your next dinner gathering!

i had the same problem before.. before your guests show up make the plates for your kids and husband [[enough for seconds maybe thirds depending on your kids appetite]] then set the rest out for your family.. and everyone will be happy :D

plating is the only way to go. Don't stop at just plating the entree plate everything ; salads desserts you name it. Also in the process plating you can pre-dress the salad and sauce the entree and dessert. In the business the name of the game is portion control.
If you use it judiciously your food costs will drop dramatically and the guy that is footing the bill will get to enjoy the meal he paid for.
A side benefit is the aesthetic one ; your food will look great until it gets to the table.
It annoys me beyond description when guests treat a dinner invitation like it was the last meal they will ever eat. I try not to invite such people back to my house.
Good luck k because not all of your guests are going to be thrilled about leaving your house in an unstuffed condition.

While it may be rude for the guests to overfill their plates, they are after all the guests and I wouldn't personally be rude about it even though upsetting. If serving buffet style try not serving all the food at once. Put out half of the food first then when dishes are empty bring out the other half. People tend not to take as much if it looks like smaller portions are being served (they can always come back for seconds) If you use large dinner plates maybe try using a slightly smaller plate or you could always make more food. When entertaining I prefer to have to much food that not enough.

Make mini platters for your family BEFORE guests arrive and cover and stick in fridge, that way they have their own and enough!

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