Party drinks?!


Party drinks?

i'm having a massive new year party and wanted to know if anyone can suggest any fun cocktails to make?

Put loads of ice into a blender and then add stuff like pina colada or other similar mixers and then crush it all together. It is makes boozy slushes - they are fab!


Soak seedless grapes and kiwi in Vodka overnight and then add Cava and lemonade all into a big punch bowl.

vodka jellies are fun and easy to make.

Mix Smifnoff Black Cherry vodka, cranberry juice, and mericino (spelling??) cherries including the juice they are in. Mix in a big pitcher or punch bowel....looks very festive for the holidays and tastes awesome!! is a good site with different drinks for different events!!

Go to

There are LOADS on there!

I think martini's are always fun because there are so many different flavors and their very colorful as well.

we always had a drink called apple pie shooters when there was a big party....its kind of primative but defiantely u need is vodka, whip cream(in a can) and cinnamon
Have person sit in chair, pour vodka in mouth, folowed by a shot of whip cream followed by a sprinkle of cinnamon, theperson would then swisch the mixture around in the mout and for hours and you get sh1t faced in the process

Vodka,archers and Cranberry Juice,you decide on the measurements. Enjoy

Shooters: Grasshoppers (creme de menthe with a layer of baileys), Cocksucking cowboys/cowgirls (butterscotch schnapps, layer of baileys.

Longer drinks: Margaritas (tequila, sugar syrup, lemon juice and salt round the rim of the glass, shake with plenty of ice) always good, replace the lemon with pineapple juice if you prefer. I love cosmos (vodka, cointreau, cranberry juice, shaken with ice and squeeze a wedge of lime in when pouring) or good old fashioned mulled wine.

I've been making pina coladas at home lately with my blender. They are soooo tacky but soooo yum and get you pissed very quickly! Don't forget the maraschino cherries with stalks for an extra classy touch - tee hee! xxx

make a vodka watermelon

You don't need to worry too much about making fun cocktails. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. YOU need to have a good time ! But you need to make sure you are doing the pouring with a measurer (or that someone else is doing responsible pouring. Guests inevitably will overpour.)

As guests are going to really DRINK on New Year's, try to keep them from having terrible hangovers the next day. Ideally, this means mixed drinks with "mixers" --not 100% alcohol based drinks like Martinis or Manhattans (altho some people may have one or two of these).

Just make sure you have the six food groups (LOL)--one bottle each of vodka, brandy, scotch(or bourbon), a Canadian whiskey, gin and rum. Then have OJ, a liter each of 7up/Sprite, Coke/pepsi, Club soda, and a SMALL bottle of DRY vermouth for the vodka or gin martinis, a SMALL bottle of bitters for the old-fashioneds, and a small bottle of tonic water for people who ask for a gin-and-tonic.

Have plenty of bottled water on hand (it doesn't have to be expensive) for people to rehydrate themselves. Stock some lemons, olives, oranges, and cherries for garnishes. Don't overdo on buying those though, as a lot of people don't want them.

Alcohol should be reputable brands, at least middle of the road on cost, or again, your guests will have terrible headaches the next day.

You may also ask some of your guests to bring a bottle of champagne and/or wine especially if they want to toast at midnight. (Many people don't like more than one glass of champagne as if they mix, it makes their hangovers worse).

If its a beer-drinking crowd stock a cooler of Miller Lite and Heineken. That pretty much pleases everyone.

Get a good bartending book or look online ( for the basic cocktail recipes (screwdrivers, highballs, old-fashioneds, martinis).

If you must do a fun drink, try a Blue Whale, but rename it to "Ice Breaker," or something wintery.

Blue Whale:

1 part frozen lemonade, one part blue cura?ao, two parts vodka. Pour frozen lemonade into a pitcher. Add curacao and vodka. Celebrated for its potency and its festive, aqua-blue colour.

(NOTE TO HOST: Make sure people have designated drivers, or can crash at your place, or that you will take people's keys and pay for cabs for people to get home. You can be liable if they have accidents on the way home.

Also, I don't recommend ice cream, creamy, Pina Colada or sweet drinks (grasshoppers, Bailey's, Galliano, etc.) these make people sick, especially if they mix with other things, which they always do.
I ESPECIALLY don't recommend tequila because it makes people want to do shots; it makes people sick and usually any tequila-mixed drinks are solid booze. You don't want people vomiting all over your home or on the neighbors' sidewalks outside).


cherry vodka babe + fruit punch and vodka

1 lime

2 ounces of cacha?a or vodka

Sugar to taste

Ice cubes

Wash the lime and roll it on the board to loosen the juices. Cut the lime into pieces and place them in a glass. Sprinkle with the sugar and crush the pieces (pulp side up) with a pestle. (We have a long, wooden one from Brazil, made specifically for this purpose.) Just enough to release the juice, otherwise it'll get bitter. Add the cacha?a and stir to mix. Add the ice and stir again. It is delicious and potent!

You can also make a pitcher of caipirinha. Figure out how many people and multiply amounts. If you can't find cacha?a where you live, use a good vodka. The drink will then be called caipiroshka. No vodka? Use white rum and you will have a caipiríssima. Caipirinhas made with sake are all the rage in Rio now! Try one...We have a recipe for caipirinha made with tangerine, but you can also try the Brazilian fruit called lima, strawberries, kiwi, fresh passion fruit with mint, passion fruit with pitanga, and so on.

it's a kind of cocktail that heat you up. mix 90 ml of Bacardi and 5 ml sauce of Tabasco in a shot glass and then Has-ta la vista baby!

frozen or on the rocks margaritas
amaretto sours
midori sours

shitty punch and pissy water and semen milk

If people are driving, .I would not serve hard liquor at all. I would keep it to wines and beer.

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