What is the ideal christmas menu,in order to pleaseJesus?!
What is the ideal christmas menu,in order to pleaseJesus?
Who is pure vegetarian,
who loves animals,
Who hates violence...
Who loves pure food...
Any meal seasoned with love and hope. Prayers of thanksgiving should be offered before and after the meal on Christmas and everyday of the year.
I prefer to think that Jesus is more interested in our sharing with others as he liked to go to celebrations too. Remember the wedding feast at Cana. Remember the Sermon on the Mount. Remember the Last Supper.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.
Think Holy Communion, red wine and wafers.
A cheerful snowman grins beautifically as the gentle snow falls all round him on each of these shimmery Christmas ornaments and their decorative box.
A host of angels appear on these lovely Christmas ornaments. Gold cords and a glistening finish bring sparkle to each piece
I think Jesus would just be satisfied that you have your friends and family around you during this time of year.
Soyorizo,(textured vegetable protein flavored to taste like Chorizo) corn tortillas, and salsa.