Ideas on throwing 50th birthday party for my wife?!


Ideas on throwing 50th birthday party for my wife?


Terry, obviously she already has the best gift..(begging for points) having said that...

You don't have to spend a whole lot of $ to do it up right.
1) there is nothing tacky or unsual to ask your guests to bring some food and what they want to drink...or if you can afford it have it catered, although I promise you you will get more credit and good bed time if you do the first.
2)Make sure you tell her you are going out or something so that she isn't haning in her sweats w/dirty hair....she would hate you for that!!!lol
3) music...all the great tunes that we remember...I just turned 50 and my hubby bought the life/time 70's hits...I absolutely loved it, we danced the night away....
4) no thongs...we hate that
5) be sure she would really want a party...I would not have wanted one...but if she does,....she does.
6) for a gift, and trust me, this will mean more than diamond earings,(although that is always a great gift)....find the best picture of the two of you, don't be selfish, make sure it is the BEST picture of her, frame it nicely and give her a card with a really heartfelt message...quote some songs from the ole days..
7)If you can afford it...the most romantic thing a tux and wear it to the door w/flowers in hand...I promise it won't be on you too long!!!!!
nice guy...I got a good one too...she is a lucky girl.

still kicking

how abt something elegant ... considering the age ... how abt fancy food ... gourmet u can have it all catered if u can afford it or u can have every guest bring something =0) enjoy .. it would be nice if u went out and bought her a beautiful evening dress preferably black

well first of all. 50 is verryyyy young. i suggest the strippers is the way to go, and make them jump out of something, but not a cake cuz no one likes cake these days. and shes probbily allergic cuz shes old. and old people are allergic to sweet things. and dont for get to fill the balloons with cream cheese cuz it adds the best effect at the end of the party when you pop them on peoples house

Okay - my best friend's husband did this a few years ago - and the first thing he did was contact me and a few of her other girlfriends. We all worked together on the party. I would suggest you do that too. Get some of the women in her life involved and ask them to help you. Here's what you need to do...

If you and most of the people you know are linked up on e-mail - you can send out an e-vite. Steal your wives e-mail addresses - and talk with her friends/family about who should come. We invited about 80 people. For us - there was no way to make it a surprise. She's just too smart - intiutive and BUSY for that to ever happen. So - if you make it a surprise - make sure people KNOW it is a surprise!! Type SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! on the invite and remind them several times that they are not to say anything. Send a follow-up reminder e-vite too. Also - on the day of the event - wherever it is - have people arrive almost an hour before she does. That way no latecomers will ruin the surprise. And - have them park their cars someplace where she will not see them. Make up a story about where you are going. It will have to depend on where it is held.

We belong to a church - so we were able to use the big social hall there. Find a big place where you can have the party.

We didn't have a lot of money - but had some. We chose to decorate with bright colors (which the birthday girl loves) and we covered the tables with bright colored plastic tableclothes - and we had lots of bright colored helium balloons. If you have the $$$$ you can go with clothe table clothes and flowers.

As an ice breaker game - when people came in - we had sheets of paper divided up into about 20 squares - and in each square was a question about the birthday girl. Where was she born? Who is her favorite actor.? What movie made her cry so much that she had to leave the theatre to blow her nose? How many states has she lived in? What is the REAL color of her hair? - just a bunch of stuff. People were allowed to ask each person in the room ONE question if they didn't know the answer themselves. It got everybody talking about what they had in common... The Birthday Girl!

Her husband is a chef - so he did all of the food. It was fabulous. But you could have it catered. Or if you are on a budget - do a pot luck. The party was from 1:00 - 6:00 - so we didn't have to serve a meal - just snacks. There were dips and cheeses and lots of yummy stuff. Plus there was a chocholate fondue dipping table with fruits and such to dip. Very yummy! And of course - a birthday cake!

We all brought wine - just a variety. And I picked up wine glasses from a rental place. But you can use plastic cups if you want. There was beer and soft drinks too. We asked different people to tend bar for an hour or so each. They all loved helping out.

We bought a huge blank canvas (4 foot by 4 foot) and a bunch of paint (bright colors)and asked everybody to paint a heart - because she loves hearts. That painting is now on her living room wall - a fond remembrance of that day. Just get colors that match the decor of a room in your house and pick a theme that she'll like (abstract is fine too) and have the people paint away.

One of the guests is a great artist - so we had her create a "Color Susan" page. We xeroxed it off - and put the color sheets on a table with boxes of crayons and at the end of the night we had the birthday girl pick her favorite coloring picture - and that person won a prize. This gave the kids something to do - and it was a fun activity.

We told people that if they'd like to bring a gift that was fine - but that we thought she would like "performance" type gifts too. Some people wrote songs and sang them to her. Others read poems. She had a healing with the tebetin singing bowls - it was all beautiful.

My boyfriend was the MC of the day. He kept the party moving along. We had music too - but just background type of music. Nobody danced - but you could definitely go that route. A DJ or a band.

Organization is the KEY! Hope you have a fabulous time. If you have any other questions - just e-mail me! Tell your wife happy birthday for me!!!

we just did this for my mom... My dad rented a room in her favorite restaurant and did an hors'd ouevre reception. THis way... people get to eat, drink and be social for the entire party. She was completely surprised since its a restaurant she would go to normally.

No woman wants to be surprised, esp. if the party is at her own house and she didn't know to scrub it clean.

Have friends meet at a restaurant, another friends' house, and don't let you wife show up in a t-shirt and jeans when it's a fancy affair. You may have to tell her to get her to go along w/ it.

Terry-how nice that is for you to do that. Being.... 50ish myself....
how about a Hawaiian or Mardi Gras theme at a private club or dining area-NOT at your house! Get on the Oriential Trading Company website-get a catalogue and start getting ideas. A costume party use to be the fashion for New Years Eve so that would be fun. Be sure that one of her friends "leaks" the idea to her so she won't be caught unprepared. DO NOT use anything that says over the hill or anything in black. Turning 50 is not atime to mourn- it's a rejoicing-we made it this far and we are still alive!!!!

no party old person

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