Can you help with ideas for an Xtremely Low budget birthday celebration?!


Can you help with ideas for an Xtremely Low budget birthday celebration?

I've never had a birthday party; I am giving one for myself for my 60th...for about 55 people (family & friends). Since my birthday is 12/20, I've chosen Holiday colors (Red, Gold, Green & White).
It's a dinner party, and I also need suggestions for a party favor!
I am disabled and I AM TRYING TO DO THIS ON A LOW BUDGET (actually....A NO BUDGET)! Can you help?
Decorating ideas; Thanks

I would say a big holiday feast potluck would be a great idea. Your friends and family would probably LOVE to pitch in with there favorite dish. The food cost is usually one of the highest budget killers of any party. Also since it is a holiday theme but still before christmas a neat party favor idea would be for everyone to bring a christmas ornament wrapped...then you could do a game with it. Either pick numbers then go up and pick a package when your number is called. Its fun for everyone and then everyone opens them up at the end. Ornaments aren't REALLY expensive but nice to have and that way everyone gets to take home a special ornament from the party and you aren't stuck with a huge bill. For decorations usually the dollar store has some really cute things that are only a dollar...i used old christmas cards and put them up everywhere for a festive look. Also a lot of craft stores you can get ribbon and stuff or fabric remnants for a fairly low price. ALSO at a past christmas party we bought a few rolls of inexpensive wrapping paper (most stores you can get it for under a dollar a roll) and wrapped it around things in the house to make it look like giant presents everywhere...along desks...walls...counters etc... hope this helps

~single mom on a tight budget~

Since the people you are inviting know you and know your circumstances, rather than having thm bring you useless gifts, make the dinner a pot luck and have everyone bring a decoration, to be exchanged amoung the guests.

Red, green and gold. Those sound like the colors of many of the leaves that decorate the trees and ground around my home. Why not pick-up some nice ones and place them around your home They might need to be rinsed if they are dirty or muddy. And if you lay them on a damp towel for a bit, they will stay soft. Just make sure they aren't wet when you decorate with them.

You might also go by Christmas tree farms. It's a bit of a long shot but they might be willing to give you a few branches for free, or at low cost. Those add a festive note and smell nice too.

A white bedsheet or pillow case (depending of the size of the area you want to cover) works well for representing snow.

As for party favors, my first thought is, don't give them out. You have already said that the people coming are your family and friends. Certainly they all understand your financial situation. I can't imagine them being disappointed by leaving your home without a party favor. You are giving them a party. Let them take away the memories of a great evening with their loved one (you). That is the best party favor I could imagine, and it will last a lifetime.

If you really are set on giving them something, how about small packages of Christmas cookies? I know this is a birthday celebration, but it is also the holiday season. Bake some cookies. Give each person a few, wrapped in plastic wrap. Tie the package with a red, green, gold or white (your theme colors) bow or ribbon.

One more thing. Happy Birthday and Happy Holidays!

Go to the dollar store and purchase the items you need in those colors. You would be suprised at what you can find.

Happy Birthday! I'm excited for you finally getting to have a birthday party!

Party favors - I would buy those boxes of Lil' Debbies Gingerbread Men (they come individually wrapped - 8 to a box for $1.25). Then to dress them up a little - tie a little ribbon around their necks for a scarf and stick a red heart sticker over their chests (where their hearts would be). These look really cute, festive and taste great. I have given these out at parties - and the way I present them is in a basket by the door - or you can put them on your party table.

As far as party items- I would suggest going to a Dollar Tree where you can pick up plates, cups & napkins as well as plastic forks and birthday decorations for very, very little. With the color scheme you have chosen - You should have no problems finding things this time of year.

Again - Happy birthday!

I aggreee with one of the other answerers, GO TO THE DOLLAR STORE! You will find everything you need to decorate, paper and plasticware, and wonderful party favors!

Rum and chocolate cake.

I like making things. Once for my daughter's baby shower we made bath salts as parting gifts but I rather it be foot soak. Everyone really enjoyed it and it's a way to give everyone a little bit of stress relief/relaxation which everyone can utilize. I usually save my spice containers to package mine in for occasions but you could buy the little snack baggies for less than $2 for ~ 150 baggies. You can make two batches and color one red and the other green and put them in a nice bowl or basket for on the way out. You can add labels or not - just "thank you for sharing yourself with me" You could make several squares on one sheet of paper and go and make copies of it to attach to baggie or not. Dollar store or walmart: 1 bag of epsom salts, 1 container of salt, baking soda and a little dish soap. Mix in bowl 2 parts epsom salts (relaxes and soothes) and 1 part salt (draws out imperities) and just a couple spoons of baking soda, just a couple drops of dish soap (I use dawn- loosens grime and callouses) It's not an exact science. Add a 3 or 4 drops of food color or not to desired color. I also use about a teaspoon of honey (antiseptic and softening) I dabble in essential oils but if you don't want to go out and buy any just skip it. Walmart has tea-tree oil in the pharmacy it has wonderful properties and its refreshing and excellent for the skin. You can just add about 15 or so drops. If you did want to get essential oils- lavender is a great one to add with the tea tree. And that's all - stir and let it sit before you bag it so it soak into salts really well about a day its up to you. Its a really inexpensive gift to give and fairly easy to make and not too time consuming. But most of all people really like it AND you can treat yourself too. When I make it I always make enough for me to keep for the house. People call back later wanting the recipe or if I have anymore : )

As for the kids in the group. There'll be bags or packages of candy christmassy stuff for them. Candy canes etc..

i would ask people who would be coming if they could bring something in honor of your birthday.have some bring a party favor and some bring food. play music and you can make up your own games. word play games and have friends think up some as well. you could make cupcakes and little crackers with cheese and maet or tuna dip or whatever. theres fruits and vegetables you can cut up with a dip.make a list and have different ones bring something.

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